First Aid For Rib Injuries

Facts About Rib Injuries Rib Injuries typically occur after a fall or by bicycle The pain is intense There may be bone loss and difficulty breathing in the most severe cases where the lung may be dotted However, most cases of rib injuries are innocent and only cause pain that typically increases in the days following the accident The forecast is good The treatment can be supported by an arm bandage that can provide a little relief, but otherwise pain relief medicine is sufficient to relieve It is important to consult a doctor if you have difficulty breathing Background Rib cuts typically occur after fall or by bicycle A broken rib is naturally held in place because it is attached […]

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First Aid For Amputations

Facts About Amputations In case of amputation, consult a doctor immediately First, the bleeding should be stopped by applying pressure and subsequently a dressing. One must be observed for shock The amputated body part may in some cases be reconnected. It must therefore be put in a plastic bag with fabric outside and another plastic bag with ice cubes Situation Full or partial tear of an arm, a leg, a finger or a toe The amputated part can in many cases be resumed with microsurgery. It is therefore important to bring the injured and the amputated part to the hospital as soon as possible The injured person is in danger of shock and will need treatment for such development First […]

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First Aid For Muscle Cramps

Facts About Muscle Cramps Muscle cramps are seen by overload or fatigue The legs or fingers are stretched out and the area relaxed The seizures occur sporadically, but in repeated cases you should be examined by a doctor Background Muscle cramps can occur suddenly. This is typically due to a tightening or contraction in a single muscle or group of muscles The cramp can usually be relieved by stretching the tight muscles Cramps can be caused by a large loss of fluid through sweat. In that case, it is important to get the person to drink plenty, like a sports drink containing salts and sugar What can I do One should consider whether there are individual cases or several cases […]

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First Aid For Collarbone Injuries

Facts About Collarbone Injuries Bone fracture of the collarbone typically occurs when a drop is taken from the arm and indirectly breaks the collar bone However, a direct stroke can also break the bone The symptoms are pain and tenderness. There may be a clear error, and one bony can press against the skin, sometimes with an open wound The arm should be kept calm in an arm’s wristband until further investigation into the emergency room / emergency room Operations are conducted in a limited number of cases, especially for athletes Background A broken collar bone is usually due to an indirect force, for example a decrease in the extended arm. See drawing of the collar bone (clavicle fracture ) […]

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First Aid For Fractures

Facts About Fractures A fracture is an injury in a bone that is at least cracked Seek medical advice immediately afterwards, stop bleeding if possible. Perform resuscitation or treat shock If there is a need to move the person with a break before the help comes, you have to make a support rail that supports the break Background to Fractures Although bones are usually very strong, they can break or crack if they get a blow, are heavily strained or if they get angry Damage can also occur if bones in one joint are pulled or pushed out of their normal position if the ligaments supporting the joint are torn or if parts of the muscles are overloaded It can […]

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First Aid For Knee Injuries

Facts About Knee Injuries Knee injuries are frequent in sports, but can also occur as a result of everyday events such as cycling Symptoms are strong pain, swelling and difficulty moving the knee joint Bony fracture, ligament tearing and locked knee meniscus calls require emergency treatment The knee must be spared during transport to hospital: The knee is supported and cool compresses or ice bags Background A number of different injuries may occur in a knee joint. It can be difficult to determine if a person has a break in the knee shell or broken cartilage or ligaments If in doubt, treat the damage as described below Typical symptoms and signs Strong pain swelling Anxiety in moving the knee joint […]

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First Aid For Nose Injuries

Facts About Nose Injuries Injury to the face causes frequent fracture of the nose or cheekbone under the eyes The symptoms are discolouration, swelling and pain in the damaged area X-ray examination will be needed Bone fractures in the nose are accompanied by major swelling and nasal bleeding that can be alleviated with cold rags The severely disrupted fractures are treated with anaesthesia during anaesthesia Background A strong blow to the face, for example in a collision with a car, is a common cause of the bruising of the cheekbone or the nose Typical symptoms and signs Swelling and blood withdrawal Pain in the damaged area What can I do Make sure the face is symmetrical Make sure the cheekbones […]

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First Aid For Jaw Injuries

Facts About Jaw Injuries Fracture of the jaw is usually a direct blow to the jaw The joint is crooked, the injured person may lose and have severe pain. The mouth can not be opened completely The patient should sit up. If there are severe injuries, the person may lie down with the damaged facial part downwards until you reach the emergency room / emergency room Background A broken jaw is usually a direct blow to the jaw. Exceptionally, a blow to one side of the jaw can also lead to a breach on the other side Typical symptoms and signs Pain when the person talks, chews or falls Often bloody saliva The teeth’s joints are crooked Swelling or unevenness […]

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First Aid Dislocations of Joints

Facts About Joint Dislocations Predominantly (dislocation of joints) occurs injuries and often in sports The joint ends of the joint are brought apart, and the joints can often be seen with clear error This applies to the shoulder, elbow, finger, knee, toe or foot joint. Joint joints in the hip joint often require x-ray examination The treatment is urgent and at the hospital you will put the joint in place. Often anaesthesia is needed Definition A dislocation is a joint injury where the bone ends are forced out of the normal position The cause is usually an injury like a stroke or a fall How do dislocations occur? Dislocations are common injury in contact sports such as football, handball, ice […]

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