First Aid For Animal Bites

Facts About Animal Bites

  • Bites from animals can lead to serious infections – eg tetanus
  • Bid can also lead to crushing of the tissue
  • First aid consists of washing and disinfection
  • Deeper wounds – especially near joints and tendons – as well as major wounds with bleeding and injured skin should be directed by a physician


  • Sharp and symmetrical animal teeth can make deep bites, which can cause infection in the tendons, joints and bones
  • Animal teeth can also destroy tissue due to crushing
  • Quick First Aid is required to prevent infection when the skin is pierced
  • Animal bites give rise to risk of tetanus – and in some parts of the world, dog bites (rabies)

Which animals usually bite?

  • Own pets are responsible for most animal shelters
  • Dog bite is more frequent than cat litter
  • Cats bites have the greatest risk of infection (30-50%)
  • In countries with poor sanitation, bites of animals, especially wild animals, can give rabies
  • In South Africa, bats can be infected with rabies

Why can animal feed be dangerous?

Deep bites can cause tetanus

  • Tetanus is also called tetanus and is due to a poison that is produced by the bacterium Clostridium tetani
  • This bacterium is found in soil and horse fertilization and thrives particularly well in deep wounds with very dead tissue
  • Vaccine is available
  • Tetanus can only be seen days or weeks after the bid
  • The symptoms of tetanus are:
    • Pain and stiffness in the jaw
    • General stiffness in facial muscles
    • Stiff body muscles that lead to backward bending of the head and swaying in the back
    • seizures
    • Sweating, high blood pressure, high heart rate, fever, irregular heartbeat
  • By the way, the dangers of animal welfare are almost the same as for other wounds

First aid

Emergency treatment

  • If you or your child are bitten by an animal, follow these guidelines:
    1. If the bite has only gone straight through the skin, it is treated as a minor wound. Wash the wound thoroughly with water and soap and a disinfectant. Cover the wound with a clean bandage
    2. If a bite is deep – and especially close to the tendons and joints – or the skin is ugly upset and bleeding, put a bandage. Press the wound to stop bleeding. Contact a doctor
    3. If there are signs of infection in the form of swelling, redness, increased pain or leakage of fluid from the wound, contact a doctor immediately.
    4. If you suspect that the bite may originate from an animal that can transfer rabies (abroad), contact a doctor as soon as possible.

Further processing

  • Deep cats and dogs are easily inflamed. If a local infection occurs (local swelling, pain, heat) after a diarrhea, consult a doctor for possible treatment with antibiotics
  • Rarely, even insignificant bites can transmit bacteria that can cause blood poisoning. You get a high fever and severe signs of disease. Anyone who becomes acute sick of fever in the days after they have been bitten by an animal should therefore seek medical attention immediately
  • Doctors recommend that you receive tetanus vaccine every 10 years. If it is more than 5 years since you received your last tetanus vaccine and the wound is deep and contaminated, your doctor will recommend a tetanus vaccine. This vaccine should preferably be given within 48 hours of injury

Prevent animal travel

  • Be sure to train and train the animal
  • Choose a lively animal. Examine the pedigree
  • Be kind to the livestock
  • Teach children that they should not approach foreign dogs and cats themselves
  • Avoid violent play. This can lead to situations that the animal perceives as threatening, increasing the risk of biting
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