First Aid For Amputations

Facts About Amputations

  • In case of amputation, consult a doctor immediately
  • First, the bleeding should be stopped by applying pressure and subsequently a dressing. One must be observed for shock
  • The amputated body part may in some cases be reconnected. It must therefore be put in a plastic bag with fabric outside and another plastic bag with ice cubes


  • Full or partial tear of an arm, a leg, a finger or a toe
  • The amputated part can in many cases be resumed with microsurgery. It is therefore important to bring the injured and the amputated part to the hospital as soon as possible
  • The injured person is in danger of shock and will need treatment for such development

First aid

  1. Check bleeding
    • If possible use disposable gloves
    • Lift the damaged area up, place a sterile bandage over the wound and press firmly against it to control bleeding
    • If the finger / toe / arm / leg is partially worn, bandages the wound and pressure against the wound
    • Make sure that the injured person has it comfortably. Treat any shock
  2. Fixing the dressing
    • The bandage, the compresses, is attached with a roll that can be rolled
  3. Follow the injured person
    • Record regular vital signs such as awareness level, pulse and breathing – until help comes
  4. Possibly. Transports the patient himself
    • If a finger or toe is amputated and the injured person is not in shock, you can bring the person and the amputee to the hospital yourself.
  5. Do not give food or drink
    • If microsurgery becomes necessary, the patient should be in anaesthesia. Therefore, do not let the injured eat, drink or smoke

Handling the amputated part

  • Do not wash the amputated part
  • If possible, pack the amputee into self-adhesive plastic (plastic plastic roll) or place it in a plastic bag
  • Pull soft clothes around the plastic bag and place ice clumps around the package. Do not let the amputated part come in direct contact with the ice
  • Feel possible. the package with the injured name and time of injury
  • Give the package to the ambulance staff
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