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The Deadly Dangers of Staying Awake

For most college students, the agony of a caffeine-induced sleepless night is all too familiar. We’ve all experienced the negative effects of sleep deprivation, from decreased cognitive and motor function to poor memory and the dreaded tired-giggles. Yet, despite these well-known consequences, sleep deprivation has never been recognized as a […]

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Understanding Steroid Effects on Genitalia

When it comes to competition, the desire to win often leads to a quest for advantages, no matter the cost. Throughout history, people have explored various means to enhance their performance, whether it be through divine nectar or coach-administered injections. In this exploration, we inevitably encounter steroids. While we’ve previously […]

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Effective CPR Without Mouth-to-Mouth Resuscitation

The Myth: Performing cardiopulmonary resuscitation correctly requires continuous mouth-to-mouth breathing. The American Heart Association (AHA) 2010 recommendations advise against breathing on someone while administering cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR)—not because it’s bad for you, but because it reduces the odds of survival for the individual having a cardiac arrest. The old standard […]

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Why Egg Whites Fail in Burn Healing

Numerous websites suggest egg whites as a burn remedy, but let’s cut to the chase: it’s not true. Egg whites can worsen burn situations. As a detail-oriented paramedic, I owe you a comprehensive explanation. So, let’s dissect why egg whites aren’t suitable for treating burns. Egg whites are primarily water […]

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Urine Changes With The Veggie Effect

Benjamin Franklin once noted that asparagus gives urine a “disagreeable odor.” This phenomenon, often a topic of both curiosity and humor, is attributed to asparagusic acid in asparagus. When this acid is digested, it breaks down into compounds like methanethiol and dimethyl sulfide, contributing to that unique smell. However, Robert […]

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The Vaccine-Autism Link

The question of whether vaccines cause autism has been a topic of intense debate and concern for many parents and healthcare professionals. Despite numerous studies and extensive research, the belief that vaccines might lead to autism persists in some circles. This article aims to shed light on the current scientific […]

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A Biological Perspective on Male Lactation

The human body, irrespective of gender, possesses the anatomical structures necessary for lactation. While it’s relatively uncommon for males to lactate, certain species, like the Dayak fruit bat, exhibit this behavior. Among men, lactation is hindered primarily due to lower levels of a particular hormone, despite having the essential physical […]

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Understanding Silent Seizures

Absence seizures, often known as “petit mal” seizures, are a form of epilepsy primarily seen in children, though they can persist into adulthood. These seizures are characterized by brief, sudden lapses in attention, where the individual appears to be staring off into space. Unlike more dramatic forms of seizures, absence […]

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