My Contact Lenses Are Causing Me Such Discomfort

Nothing is more inconvenient than being required to wear contact lenses and afterward experiencing pain, scratching, burning, or other discomfort. It is extremely inconvenient to try to clean or replace them while driving, working, or planning to attend an event which makes it difficult.

Here Are a Few of the Most Common Causes of Discomfort When Wearing Contact Lenses

If you are certain that you are cleaning and caring for your contact lenses properly, you should consider switching to glasses for a few weeks to give your eyes a break from wearing them. If you are still going to experience discomfort after one or two days, it is recommended that you see your eye doctor.

When Wearing Contact Lenses, Improper Cleaning or Care Can Cause Discomfort

Initially, the vast majority of patients are very careful to follow the cleaning and maintenance instructions that come with their contact lenses. People, on the other hand, become so used to the process of wearing corrective lenses that they begin to develop bad habits.

Before you begin using your contact lenses, go over the cleaning and care instructions once more. In addition, we recommend the following:

  • If your eyes have become sensitive, avoid sleeping with your contact lenses in (even if you have done so in the past).
  • Making the switch to a contact lens solution that contains no preservatives.
  • Before cleaning, inserting, or removing your lenses, make certain that you have thoroughly washed your hands with a soap and water mixture.

Do you believe you are still taking good care of your lenses? Then let’s try this…

Your Cosmetics May Be Causing the Issue

We understand that you may feel exposed without the makeup on your eyes. However, it does not take much to cause a scratchy sensation that can progress to the actual scraping of the outer eye membrane (sclera) or the cornea. Even minor flakes of eyeshadow, eyeliner, or mascara can cause a variety of issues. Outdated eye makeup is more likely to harbor bacteria, which can cause irritation or even a full-blown infection if left unchecked. This could also be a contributing factor.

The use of eye cosmetics is directly related to one’s overall eye health. If you wear contact lenses and eye makeup:

  • Make the switch to products labeled as “hypoallergenic” or “made specifically for individuals with sensitive eyes.”
  • NEVER, EVER share your eye makeup with anyone, including members of your own family or close friends.
  • Makeup for the eyes that is older than six months should be discarded.
  • Always remove your eye makeup before going to bed.
  • Anything that is or was caught is visible through the lens.

There is a chance that a tiny particle has become lodged between your lens and your eye. Instead of using eye drops, remove your lenses and thoroughly clean them. Artificial tears or saline solution can be used to bathe the eye. Because trapped particles can cause a painful cornea, you should not try to “suffer” or ignore the discomfort.

If your eyes feel perfectly normal or noticeably less irritating after doing this, there was probably something pressing up against your eye that was irritating your irritating eye. You could try the lenses after cleaning them, but a better option would be to install a completely new pair of lenses from an unopened package. If the discomfort returns, you should discontinue wearing your contacts and schedule an appointment with your eye physician as soon as possible.

Scratches on the Sclera or the Cornea

We discussed the possibility of this happening earlier. If your eye membrane or cornea is scratched, however, wearing contact lenses will almost certainly be uncomfortable. Furthermore, while your eye may only experience slight discomfort when you will not have your contacts in, wearing them will aggravate an existing scrape.

Scratches that aren’t too deep usually heal on their own after a period of rest (i.e., not wearing contacts for a week or two),d the application of preservative-free artificial tears regularly provides lu provides. Warm compresses have the same calming effect as hot compresses. Also, resist the urge to massage your eyes, as this will only make the scratches more visible. If you are still going to experience discomfort after 48 to 72 hours, you should see your eye doctor.

It Seems That You Have Dry Eyes

Dry eye syndrome is becoming increasingly common, and optometrists worldwide attribute this to the amount of time we spend in front of screens, both at home and at work. When you stare at a screen for an extended period, your eyes do not blink as often as they should (hence the “20:20:20 rule!”). This causes chronically dry eyes, which can cause symptoms including redness, irritation, scratchiness, or even pain.

Contact wearers are more likely to experience dry eyes than non-contact wearers. Women are more likely to develop dry eye syndrome after menopause. If you have dry eye symptoms, you should try using artificial tears without preservatives regularly to see if it helps. We recommend that you wear your glasses whenever you are at home or in other places where others will not judge you for wearing glasses instead of contacts. This is true in the vast majority of cases.

Is it possible that the conditions under which you wear your contact lenses (such as air conditioning or heating, pollutants, peak allergy season, and so on) are also to blame? Contact lenses can significantly exacerbate even minor eye discomfort. The trying to follow are some environmental factors that affect contact lens wearers:

  • The high use of air conditioning and heating in automobiles and buildings causes the air to become drier (consider using a portable humidifier).
  • Seasonal allergies or other types of allergies.
  • Inhalation of noxious gases or other hazardous substances debris (even microparticles) stirred up by the wind, leaf blowers, yard work, thorough house cleaning, etc.

Again, removing your contact lenses for a short period and using eye drops to lubricate your eyes is a good first step. If you are certain that you suffer from allergies, you should stop wearing glasses for a week or two and use eye drops designed to reduce the redness, irritation, and inflammation caused by allergies.

Acute Eye Infection

You could be suffering from an infection in one of your eyes. Bacteria and viruses cause the majority of eye infections, but fungal infections are also possible. Because eye infections are so contagious, you should see your primary care physician or optometrist as soon as possible for a correct diagnosis and treatment.

If you suspect you have an eye infection, remove your contact lenses and discard them. Because contact lenses can aggravate an infection, you should avoid wearing them until you have been evaluated. If you have diabetes or another healthcare condition that makes you more susceptible to infection, take extra precautions to safeguard your eyes, as eye infections can progress more quickly and become more serious if not treated properly.

The Contact Lens Fit is Poor

There isn’t a “one size fits all” solution when it comes to contacts. We fit contacts, particularly rigid or specialized contacts, to the dimensions and contours of the front layer of the cornea. Your contacts may no longer properly fit, in which case you will require a new pair of prescription eyeglasses or contact lenses.

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