Uterine Prolapse


  • Uterine prolapse or prolapse of the genitals caused by a weakening in the suspension apparatus
  • There is seen in about 50% of women over 40 years, but only about 6% have symptoms
  • Typical causes are births (big kids, twins), heavy physical labor, constipation, heredity, obesity and COPD
  • Typical symptoms include heaviness, urinary / bowel problems, ulcers – if the drop is outside the vaginal opening

What is uterine prolapse?

Genital prolapse is what is popularly known as prolapse or descent of the pelvic organs (genitals = who with genitals that do prolapse). There may also be a bulging of the small intestine against the posterior vaginal wall (enterocele), the rectum against the posterior vaginal wall (rectocele) or of the urinary bladder toward the anterior vaginal wall (cystocele).

How common is uterine prolapse?

The condition is common and occurs in almost half of all women who have given birth, but it is only about 6% have severe symptoms.

What causes uterine prolapse?

Pelvic floor is kept stable by muscles, tendons and bindevævstrøg. During pregnancy, at birth and with increasing age this becomes support apparatus weakened. At the same time the estrogen content in the tissue removable after menopause and cause the mucous membrane is thinner and more fragile. Hormone therapy after menopause prevents these changes.

The risk of developing genital prolapse is increased with the number of pregnancies and births. Work involving heavy lifting can also trigger a relapse. Cough and high BMI will also worsen genes.

What are the symptoms of uterine prolapse?

When the uterus drops into the vagina, it is called uterus prolapse. The degree of the generator varies widely from woman to woman. Many have a feeling of heaviness in the abdomen, and one can feel as if something falls out. In others, the sunken uterus visible outside the vaginal opening. One can also have problems to complete sexual intercourse, and who may possibly. Get annoying sounds from the vagina. Patients with cystocele may have difficulty urinating, while those who have enterocele may have bowel problems. In severe cases, the patient has trouble walking. The jean gets worse when standing, by coughing, constipation and heavy physical labor. But they will be better when you lie. Therefore, many most harassed in the evening and at least the morning.

What symptoms should you pay particular attention to?

Symptoms, which significantly worsens the quality of your life, for example. Constant feeling of heaviness / prolapse feeling, urination / defecation complaints and sexual complaints.

How is it diagnosed?

Diagnosis is made on the basis of the typical genes and will be confirmed by a gynecological examination.

What treatment is there?

The aim of treatment is to prevent further development of the condition, and to prevent problems with urination. Training of pelvic muscles can be effective. This is something that you can do yourself or possibly help of a physiotherapist. Weight reduction can help, and you should also be careful with heavy lifting and avoid carrying on too much. In women who have passed menopause, hormone therapy with estrogen locally in the vagina or such. Tablets be topical. Using the diaphragm works by lifting the lining of the vagina and hold it in place. Permanent use of a pessary can relieve symptoms and prevent aggravation.

Operation is relevant if you have many genes and a combination of pelvic floor exercises and estrogen therapy does not help enough.

How is long-term prospects?

Prolapse of the uterus tends to get worse over time if left untreated. In surgery, the prognosis is good, but relapses can occur. By cystocele may be problems emptying the bladder completely. This can give rise to frequent urinary tract infections and will be an additional reason for the treatment.

How do I avoid or aggravate mired womb?

It is important to do pelvic floor exercises both before and after birth. Stay slim and healthy eating, so you do not get constipated.

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