What Happens at Fertilization?

Facts About Fertilization

  • Fertile women usually ovulate once a month, midway between two menstrual periods
  • By intercourse during this period the egg could be fertilized by sperm from a man
  • Fertilization occurs most often in the fallopian tube, and the egg will After a few more days transportation become lodged in the uterine lining


All living things reproduce for the species should not to become extinct. Reproduction is a term for the process by which organisms, including humans, are creating new organisms like themselves. It is one of the fundamental characteristics that define life.

What is fertilization?

Fertilization in humans involves a sperm sperm from the man penetrates an egg from the woman. In most cases fertilization occurs as a result of sexual intercourse between the man and the woman. The fertilized egg becomes lodged in the uterus and which are fed first of the lining of the uterus and subsequently through the placenta and the circuit in the body of the fetus.

Sex organs

The woman’s reproductive organs or reproductive organs , can be divided into the external and the internal. The external genital organs consist of the clitoris, labia and vaginal opening.

The internal reproductive organs consist of the vagina, cervix, uterus, fallopian tubes and ovaries. Every month frees one ovary an egg. It travels from the ovary through the fallopian tube into the uterus. If the egg is not fertilized, it’s going to land within a few days.

The man’s visible genital organs consist of the penis and scrotum with the testicles.

The sperm cells are formed in the testes and coming from there into the epididymis, which are also located in the scrotum. These range from the vas deferens into the abdominal cavity, passes through the prostate gland and opening in the inner portion of the urethra. Right prostate gland is the two seminal vesicles, which produces and secretes much of the liquid semen consists of.

When the man ejaculates, are mixed with sperm and seminal fluid is pumped out through the urethra and out of the penis.


A prerequisite for fertilization is that there is an egg that can be fertilized. Such eggs are available only a few days a month, and it released about 14 days before the next menstruation.

When the egg is released from the ovary, it is trapped by the fallopian tube.

The egg can live in the fallopian tube for up to 48 hours.

The woman can get pregnant if intercourse up to 4-6 days before ovulation, as some sperm can survive in the fallopian tube for 4-6 days after the man has been triggered.

How is fertilization?

The number of sperm, the man empties into the vagina, is the beginning about 500 million. They have the ability to move, because they are equipped with a long tail. From the vagina find many of them the way to the cervix from which they swim through the uterus and into the fallopian tubes.

The large number of sperm increases the chance of achieving fertilization. Not all sperm find their way up to the fallopian tubes and not all survive the journey to the egg. It is a race between the sperm, because there is only one of them, which can penetrate and fertilize the egg. As soon as this has happened, a chemical reaction is triggered in the egg’s organs and which blocks of the other sperm, so they can not penetrate into the egg. These sperm die in a short time.

Fertilization usually occurs inside one fallopian tube. The fertilized egg then moves toward the womb and after 2-7 days the egg promotion in the womb.

The drill down into the uterine lining and fastens itself. Already at that time, the fertilized egg split several times and now consists of more cells and form what is called an embryo.

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