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Understanding Miscarriages

Miscarriage refers to the loss of a foetus before the 20th week of pregnancy. Medically, it is also known as spontaneous abortion or pregnancy loss. Causes of Miscarriage Most miscarriages occur during the first trimester (the first 12 weeks of pregnancy). The main causes include: Chromosomal Abnormalities: Abnormal development of the fertilised egg. Implantation Issues: The egg fails to implant properly, as seen in ectopic pregnancies. Thyroid Disorders: Overproduction of hormones can hinder implantation. Uncontrolled Diabetes: Can adversely affect pregnancy. Lifestyle Factors: Smoking, alcohol, and drug abuse. Physical Conditions: Uterine abnormalities such as polyps. Immune Disorders: Though debated, some immune disorders may contribute. Symptoms of Miscarriage The symptoms of a miscarriage can include: Vaginal Bleeding: Can be light or heavy, […]

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The Critical Role of Pap Tests in Women’s Health

A Pap smear, a procedure often dreaded by many women, is an essential tool in the early detection of cervical cancer. Named after Dr. George N. Papanicolaou, who discovered in 1928 that cancer cells in vaginal smears could indicate early stages of cervical cancer, this test has significantly contributed to reducing cervical cancer rates over the years. Understanding its importance and what it entails can help alleviate some of the anxiety surrounding this procedure. The process of a Pap smear involves a woman lying on an exam table with her feet in stirrups. The doctor inserts a speculum into the vagina to get a clear view of the cervix. They then gently scrape cells from the cervix surface to analyze […]

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How Do I Stop Using Substances? 

Drug Abuse is a Commonly Accomplished Goal for Many People in Their Day-to-day Lives It doesn’t matter if we started using drugs in a social setting with our friends on the weekends or whether we did it in secret to help us deal with the pressures and stresses of everyday life: sometimes, things progress from there, and we find that we are addicted to drugs and incapable of stopping.  The disease of addiction is so cunning that it can completely devour us before we recognize that we are in over our heads and that we are unable to quit using drugs on our own. Addiction is such a sneaky condition. Even with the support of our families and the professionals […]

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Medication For Period Cramps That You Should Be Taking Every Month

Let’s start by recognizing what is most likely at the center of everyone’s mind right now: period pains are the worst possible thing that could happen to you. Because the bottom half of your body appears to be in quite a bit of discomfort right now, we do need to observe a moment of reverence for it. Before you take any old painkiller you can pull from the back of your bathroom cabinet or the bottom of a friend’s handbag (yes, we’ve all been that amount of desperate to make them disappear as soon as possible), continue reading this article. Please note that not all ibuprofen and Advil products are created equally. What exactly do we mean when we say that? According to […]

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Facts About Birth Control There are many different methods of contraception These differ from each other in terms of safety, ease of use, protection against disease and side effects A brief introduction to both non-hormonal and hormonal contraceptives Generally Image of different types of contraception There are several different methods of contraception. These differ from each other in terms of safety, ease of use, protection against disease and side effects. The following is a brief introduction: Non-hormonal contraceptives “Nature Methods” Natural methods include interrupted intercourse and the use of so-called “Safe period” These methods do not protect against STD s and the efficiency is low. They are therefore best suited for knowledgeable few who can accept an unexpected pregnancy, and […]

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Repeated Miscarriages

Facts About Repeated Miscarriages Recurrent miscarriage is a condition where a woman at least three times in a row lose pregnancy before the end of the 22nd week of pregnancy Age, obesity, smoking, alcohol, malformations of the uterus and autoimmune diseases are some of the factors that increase risk The studies consist of conversation, ultrasound and blood tests of the woman and chromosome study of the couple Only in about half manages to find a cause There is rarely a treatment that works The prognosis is usually good, but depends on the cause of the pregnancy loss What is recurrent spontaneous pregnancy loss? Miscarriage means that pregnancy is lost before the end of the 22nd week of pregnancy. When three or more […]

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Medical Abortion and Abortion Pills

Facts About Medical Abortions Act on abortion gives women over 18 years of residence the right to decide whether to interrupt the pregnancy before the end of the 12th week In 2013 62% of abortions medical and surgical 38% The woman has the right to information about support if she conducts pregnancy, and she has the right to support conversations before and after surgery What is medical abortion? Terminating a pregnancy, abortion can be done medically or surgically. In the medical abortion used is a composition (mifepristone), which stops pregnancy development and contribute to the uterus expels the fertilized egg. In combination with a second composition (misoprostol), which enables the contraction of the uterus, this is now the standard method of […]

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Facts About Abortion Act on abortion gives women over 18 years of residence in South Africa the right to decide whether to interrupt the pregnancy before the end of the 12th week In 2013 62% of abortions medical and surgical 38% The woman has the right to information about support if she conducts pregnancy and the right to support conversations before and after surgery For women who live permanently in South Africa, is surgery free. Unmarried women under 18 must have the consent of the parents or guardian, it can seek consultation for exemption from this. A form to request for abortion completed by their doctor or a specialist in gynecology and surgery are performed in the hospital or by a […]

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Increased Hairiness and Hirsutism

Facts About Hirsutism There is no sharp distinction between normal and abnormal hairiness When women develop abnormal hairiness in places other than the armpit and abdomen, it is called hirsutism. In the face there is often talk about body hair on the cheeks, upper lip and chin. On the body there can be hair growth between the breasts, at the bottom of the stomach and on the back. The hair growth on the arms and legs can be kraftigére Most often found no explanation, second most frequently due to the increased male sex hormone which in PCOS What increased hairiness? There is no sharp distinction between normal and abnormal hairiness. Yet most a perception of what is normal hairiness for themselves. […]

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