First Aid in Traffic Accidents

Facts About Traffic Accidents Create an overview of the situation Stop the accident, prioritise your own safety first. Secure the scene for injured persons Call help – describe how many, what and where Provide life-saving first aid where needed Take the lead until qualified help comes Get an overview of the situation Call help Make sure to secure the damage site Set warning triangle. Turn the disaster light on to the car Make sure your own safety Make sure no more is injured Bring the injured to safety if there is a risk of fire / explosion (still taking into account your own safety) Keep curious people from the site, but let competent help Organize and benefit the work Give […]

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First Aid For A Foreign Object in The Ear

Facts About Foreign Objects in The Ear Many children stop something in their ear and it can also happen to adults It usually only hurts if it’s something sharp or if the foreign body has come a long way If there is a risk of pushing the foreign body further in, tell your doctor Background Toddlers have a bad habit of putting small objects into the ear canal Adults may leave their ears in the ears after cleansing them Insects can fly or crawl into the ear A foreign body in the ear can cause transient hearing loss or even damage the esophagus Typical symptoms and signs Items stuck into the ear can cause pain and hearing loss If the […]

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First Aid For A Foreign Object in The Nose

Facts About Object in The Nose It is quite common for young children to put something up in the nose and the object can block air passage If the article is sharp, it can damage the mucosa in the nose and a little nose bleed If you can see the item, try to remove it with tweezers or similar You must avoid pushing the foreign body further up Background It is quite common for young children to put small objects into the nose The object can block the nose and cause an infection If the article is sharp, it can damage the mucous membrane of the nose and give a nose bleed First aid If a foreign body is stuck […]

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First Aid For Foreign Objects Under The Skin

Facts About Objects Under The Skin A foreign body under the skin is any object that comes from the outside and penetrates or sits in the skin If possible, try to remove it with tweezers or similar Otherwise, seek medical advice to get it removed and assess if there is a need for tetanus shot Situation A foreign body such as a wooden block, a glass cut or a metal piece that penetrates the skin is rarely clean and can cause infection If a splint / chips stick out of the skin, remove it with tweezers or flat pliers If the end of the splint / tile is not visible, seek medical attention as it is easy to push the […]

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First Aid For Child That Has Ingested A Poisonous Plant

Facts About Poisonous Plants Most plants, shrubs and trees are harmless. However, a few may cause discomfort if you ingest them. They may cause stomach upset and vomiting or irritation if they come on the skin or in the eyes The amount is crucial. Rinse leftovers away from skin or eyes. Give something to drink when consumed, it dilutes the poison You should know which plants grow in your close environment (garden) Most plants, bushes and trees we surround ourselves with both inside and outside are fortunately harmless but unfortunately not all. However, it is rarely a problem for older people. But if you have small children, it is important that you know which plants are poisonous and what to […]

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First Fid For Mushroom Poisoning

Facts For Mushroom Poisoning If you suspect mushroom poisoning, you should contact the Toothbrush Save any mushrooms If you have the opportunity, take a picture of the mushroom with your smartphone – and send the image to the emergency medics You should talk to the medics about what to do next, including active charcoal administration If you think you or your child have eaten poisonous fungi, the Gift Line recommends the following first aid: In case of suspected mushroom poisoning Store residues of the mushroom, possibly the fungus vomiting Take a picture of the mushroom. The gift line can receive pictures via phone Try to describe the mushroom and the area where the mushroom was picked in: garden, park, lawn, […]

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First Aid For Exposure to Poisonous Plants

Facts About Poisonous Plants If there are eaten plants, one should Remove any plant residues from the oral cavity Give something to drink Contact the Help Line If plant suds has come on the skin or in the eyes, rinse immediately with water In some cases there may be a need to provide medicated activated charcoal. However, the venom should be contacted before deciding on this If your child has eaten poisonous plants or has annoying plant suds on the skin or in the eye, the line of recommendation recommends the following first aid measures: First aid when eaten or tasted on plant material Remove plant residues from the mouth Immediately give the child something to drink Save any plant […]

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First Aid For Alcohol and Drug Poisoning

Facts About Alcohol and Drug Poisoning If you take alcohol, drugs or prescription medication (or a mixture of all 3) in larger amounts, it can cause symptoms of poisoning In many cases, the consciousness / balance of the poison is affected, which may fall and incur damage. Breathing and temperature can be affected What is alcohol and drug poisoning? Ingestion of alcohol, drugs or drugs (or a mixture of all 3) in such an amount that it gives symptoms. Background Taking larger amounts of alcohol and medicine can cause severe physical and mental reactions The person may fall and incur damage If you are not conscious, there is a risk that you can throw up, get the vomiting in your […]

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First Aid For Human Bites

Facts About Human Bites Human beings are like animal suffering from the risk of inflammation due to the bacteria and viruses found in the mouth In case of suspected inflammation, contact a physician Antibiotic treatment may be necessary What is it? Human bites can often be as serious or serious as animal bites because of the types of bacteria and viruses found in human beings First aid If you are exposed to a human bite that passes through the skin, you should do the following: Stop bleeding by pressing against the wound Wash the wound thoroughly with soap and water In case of suspected inflammation consult doctor Put a clean bandage on Search urgent help If you have not received […]

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