Pelvic Floor Training

Facts About Pelvic Floor Training

  • The purpose of pelvic floor exercises to strengthen the muscles in the abdomen to prevent urine leakage and subsequent descent of the uterus
  • You can train your pelvic muscles in standing, sitting and lying position
  • You will find the right muscles by trying to stop the beam when urinating
  • Once you’ve found the right muscles, you train by pinching so hard together you can, but without using other muscle groups. You should gradually increase the number of repetitions and low ranges of 8-12 pinch every time you exercise
  • Pelvic floor exercises should be done three times a day – each with 8-12 repetitions

About the training program

The purpose of pelvic floor exercises to strengthen the muscles in the abdomen to prevent urine leakage and subsequent descent of the uterus. It makes sense to make these exercises during and after pregnancy, and if you are bothered by urinary leakage.

You can train your pelvic muscles in standing, sitting and lying position.

How to find the right muscles?

This can be done in the following way: When you sit on the toilet, try to stop the beam when urinating. This is easiest to do at the end of urination. When you feel that you do it right, you can try to stop the beam middle of urination to get a sense of how much you have trouble during training.

When you have “discovered” the muscles to be trained: Stand with legs slightly spread and hold one hand under the vagina and urethra. By proper use of the muscles you could feel that the skin is lifted up and away from your hand when you tighten the muscles and the skin falls down again on hand when you release. It is important to relax between each contraction, but do not squeeze or press down, only releasing tension.

More about training exercise

Once you’ve found the right muscles, you train for these principles: When you are able to use the muscles correctly, you need to squeeze as tightly as you can, but without using other muscle groups. When you pinch, do not use the muscles in your seat and do not pull your stomach in. You should gradually increase the number of repetitions / repetitions and low ranges of 8-12 pinches every time you exercise. Attempts gradually to keep each pinch for about 6-8 seconds.

Intensive pelvic floor exercise

When you can keep muscle contraction, you can at the end of the last pinch trying to pinch extra hard – pull more inwards with 3-4 rapid contractions.

Instruction: Pull together a team, little healthy boost: Up, up, up – and relax.


Pelvic floor exercises should be made 3 times daily each with 8-12 repetitions. You can also make predicament exercises while standing or sitting. When exercises are done correctly, you can not look at you that you pinch. Find like a rhythm or habit that fits into your daily life. For example. Low predicament exercises while waiting for the bus or wash up. When you’ve got a good strength of the pelvic floor continue with fewer exercises depending on your need to maintain.

other training

You should not deter you from other physical activity because of urine leakage. Remember that many women are in the same situation! Choose activities like cycling, brisk walking, gymnastics without jump and run while you exercise the pelvic floor muscles. If you do not notice improvement within 2-3 months of regular pelvic floor exercises, you should contact your doctor or physiotherapist for further investigation.

Prevent urine leakage

Do not forget to pinch the pelvic floor when you sneeze, cough, laugh, lift, jump or coach abdominal muscles. Pinch in all cases in which the pressure in the abdominal muscles become larger.

Do you want to know more?

  • Genital prolapse – health professional
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