Bone fracture of the collarbone typically occurs when a drop is taken from the arm and indirectly breaks the collar bone
However, a direct stroke can also break the bone
The symptoms are pain and tenderness. There may be a clear error, and one bony can press against the skin, sometimes with an open wound
The arm should be kept calm in an arm’s wristband until further investigation into the emergency room / emergency room
Operations are conducted in a limited number of cases, especially for athletes
A broken collar bone is usually due to an indirect force, for example a decrease in the extended arm. See drawing of the collar bone (clavicle fracture )
This transfers the force along the injured forearm and upper arm to the collar bone
The reason can also be a direct blow
Collarbone injuries often occur in younger people as a result of sports activities
Typical symptoms and signs
Pain and tenderness
The injured person tries to relieve the pain of supporting the elbow and avoiding moving the arm
There may be swelling and clear error over the breakpoint
What can I do
Evaluate the contours of the collar bone on the quick and the sick side for comparison
Contact your own doctor
When the pain progresses quickly and there are no visible signs of fractures
Contact a doctor immediately
When there is a suspicion of fractures , the bone bones , the bone bumps against the skin and there is pain
First aid
Shock your arm
Help the injured person put the arm on the injury side so that the fingertips rest on the fast collar bone
Shock the injured arm at the elbow
Put your arm in a sling
Put your arm in a sling. Make sure that the arm is moved as little as possible when installing the loop
Place a soft piece of cloth
A soft piece of clothing, for example. A tied towel, placed between the injured upper arm and chest to make it more comfortable
Attach the arm to the chest
Attach the arm to the chest of the injured by placing a wide bandage over the loop and around the body