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It’s In Best Interest for Society to Assist Male Victims of Domestic Violence

The United Nations organizes a campaign called the 16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence every year at the beginning of December. The problem can affect people of any sex, gender, or gender identity, so everyone should be concerned about it.  The absence of men who have been victims of violence as well as attempts to prevent violence against men and boys is striking in the context of the discussion regarding gender-based violence. Even though there is abundant evidence that men have been the victims of violent crime in Canada, the United States, and other countries, there are almost no services available to men.  Men as Victims of Violence Committed by Intimate Partners Men have a disproportionately high rate of […]

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First Aid in Traffic Accidents

Facts About Traffic Accidents Create an overview of the situation Stop the accident, prioritise your own safety first. Secure the scene for injured persons Call help – describe how many, what and where Provide life-saving first aid where needed Take the lead until qualified help comes Get an overview of the situation Call help Make sure to secure the damage site Set warning triangle. Turn the disaster light on to the car Make sure your own safety Make sure no more is injured Bring the injured to safety if there is a risk of fire / explosion (still taking into account your own safety) Keep curious people from the site, but let competent help Organize and benefit the work Give […]

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First Aid Mouth-to-Mouth Resuscitation of a Child

Facts About Mouth-to-Mouth Resuscitation in Children If a child stops breathing, it is vital to start mouth-to-mouth resuscitation immediately Cardiac arrest in children is often caused by oxygen deficiency Establish first that there is not any foreign matter in the mouth and throat or airways that needs to be removed before mouth to mouth resuscitation can begin Unfortunately, children often do not get heart lung guidance, partly because of insecurity and anxiety to harm the child Cardiac arrest in children is often caused by oxygen deficiency and not so often acute heart disease Mouth-to-Mouth-and-Nose Resuscitation on a Child Under Age 8 or on an Infant Place the child on a hard, flat surface. Look into the mouth and throat to […]

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First Aid For A Foreign Object in The Eye

Facts About Foreign Objects in The Eye A foreign body in the eye is when something hits the eye from the outside and causes pain, vision or other genes Sand, dust or insects are usually very shallow. Welding particles may penetrate deeper while metal pieces that hit the eye at high speed may penetrate deep into the cornea or conjunctiva By dusting and driping a dye into the eye, the doctor may see any corneal ulcer Most often there are no complications, but inflammation of the cornea or conjunctiva and scar tissue can cause visual disturbances What is a foreign body in the eye? Photo of normal eye Most people have tried to get something in the eye and know […]

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First Aid For Spinal Cord Injuries

Facts About Spinal Cord Injuries Spinal cord injury is a serious condition that should be suspected of violent accidents where throat and / or back is damaged Typical symptoms of spinal cord injury are lack of movement of bones and possibly arms and impaired sensation The injured person must be kept calm and it is important to avoid movements in the throat and back Call medical emergency immediately Background Back injuries can be severe, especially if the spinal cord and nerve root are damaged The nerve nuts contain nerve fibres to the muscles and feelings A damaged spinal cord can lead to paralysis and numbness in the body below the injury site Spinal cord injury should be suspected of all […]

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First Aid For Rib Injuries

Facts About Rib Injuries Rib Injuries typically occur after a fall or by bicycle The pain is intense There may be bone loss and difficulty breathing in the most severe cases where the lung may be dotted However, most cases of rib injuries are innocent and only cause pain that typically increases in the days following the accident The forecast is good The treatment can be supported by an arm bandage that can provide a little relief, but otherwise pain relief medicine is sufficient to relieve It is important to consult a doctor if you have difficulty breathing Background Rib cuts typically occur after fall or by bicycle A broken rib is naturally held in place because it is attached […]

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First Aid For Collarbone Injuries

Facts About Collarbone Injuries Bone fracture of the collarbone typically occurs when a drop is taken from the arm and indirectly breaks the collar bone However, a direct stroke can also break the bone The symptoms are pain and tenderness. There may be a clear error, and one bony can press against the skin, sometimes with an open wound The arm should be kept calm in an arm’s wristband until further investigation into the emergency room / emergency room Operations are conducted in a limited number of cases, especially for athletes Background A broken collar bone is usually due to an indirect force, for example a decrease in the extended arm. See drawing of the collar bone (clavicle fracture ) […]

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First Aid For Knee Injuries

Facts About Knee Injuries Knee injuries are frequent in sports, but can also occur as a result of everyday events such as cycling Symptoms are strong pain, swelling and difficulty moving the knee joint Bony fracture, ligament tearing and locked knee meniscus calls require emergency treatment The knee must be spared during transport to hospital: The knee is supported and cool compresses or ice bags Background A number of different injuries may occur in a knee joint. It can be difficult to determine if a person has a break in the knee shell or broken cartilage or ligaments If in doubt, treat the damage as described below Typical symptoms and signs Strong pain swelling Anxiety in moving the knee joint […]

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First Aid For Nose Injuries

Facts About Nose Injuries Injury to the face causes frequent fracture of the nose or cheekbone under the eyes The symptoms are discolouration, swelling and pain in the damaged area X-ray examination will be needed Bone fractures in the nose are accompanied by major swelling and nasal bleeding that can be alleviated with cold rags The severely disrupted fractures are treated with anaesthesia during anaesthesia Background A strong blow to the face, for example in a collision with a car, is a common cause of the bruising of the cheekbone or the nose Typical symptoms and signs Swelling and blood withdrawal Pain in the damaged area What can I do Make sure the face is symmetrical Make sure the cheekbones […]

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