Female Genital Mutilation

Facts Female Genital Mutilation Circumcision of girls and women can be done in several ways and vary from nation to nation, and over time In South Africa it is an offense to perform or contribute to the genital mutilation of girls and women WHO circumcision divides into four categories, but these can be further reduced to two types: a type in which tissue is removed, and a second type where there is also stitched along some In 2013, UNICEF estimated that there are 123 million circumcised women in 29 countries Different ways There are several ways to make female genital mutilation on. How this is done depends on where in the world it happens and what nation you belong. It […]

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Menopause Medication

Facts Menopause Medications Menopause is the name for the time before and after the ovaries cease to produce eggs. Gradually hear ovaries also stop to secrete the female sex hormones estrogen and progesterone The reduced amount of hormone can cause symptoms such as bleeding disorders, sweating, psychological effects, sleep disorders, osteoporosis and dry mucous membranes. It is very different how to respond to the hormones changes You can give hormone therapy in two different ways: Local action : These are creams and suppositories or estrogen ring, which is used locally at the mucous membrane in the abdomen Generally acting (systemic) : These are drugs that act in the abdomen, but also in the rest of the body. It prevents hot […]

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Menopause Frequent Questions

Facts About Menopause Hormone therapy replaces the female hormones that are not being produced as a result of menopause. They can be administered locally to the lining of the abdomen, and which compositions of general effect on the body Some women are plagued so much in menopause, it can be good to relieve the symptoms with hormones for a limited period Advantages of hormone treatment: Fewer symptoms such as hot flashes, better night’s sleep, prevents dry mucous membranes and osteoporosis Disadvantages of hormone treatment: The treatment may be associated with increased risk of cardiovascular disease, blood clots, biliary tract disease and breast cancer Treatment Needs to be discussed with your doctor What is hormone therapy? Menopause is a year around […]

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Facts About Menopause Women earn an average of their last menstrual period about 52 years of age Menopause (climacteric) is the period around the last menstrual period (menopause) During menopause, it is customary with bleeding disorders, hot flashes and sweating Over time, there may also get osteoporosis and dry mucous membranes Smokers and thin women have the most menopause genes The most effective treatment is hormone therapy, which can be given locally in the abdomen or systemically (for the whole body) What is menopause? Menopause is another name for menopause. Menopause is the period around the last menstrual bleeding, which is also called menopause – ie the time when the menopause. Menopause comes in 45-55 years of age in most women. […]

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Bladder Training

Facts About Bladder Training Urgency (urge) incontinence is the involuntary loss of urine due to a sudden, severe, irresistible urge to urinate Treatment is primarily bladder training, pelvic floor exercises and medication Botox injection into the bladder wall or electro-stimulation can be tried in severe cases What is normal? Usually, bladder contain between 3 and 5 dl urine before the urge to urinate becomes troublesome. How often you need the toilet, obviously depends on how much you drink. But normal is 4-8 times a day. It is not uncommon to have to up at night, especially if you have difficulty falling asleep, or if you have been drinking a lot at night. Remember: coffee, tea and alcohol are diuretics, and […]

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Overactive Bladder

Facts About Overactive Bladders Overactive bladder is a diagnosis based on symptoms of urgency (urge): A sudden, strong urge to urinate that is difficult to suppress One can get involuntary urination associated with urgency symptom Treated with medication In severe cases where medical treatment is not sufficient, one can try to deal with Botox or electrical stimulation What is overactive bladder? By overactive bladder has been sudden strong urinary urgency, with or without incontinence ( urge incontinence ). As a rule, at the same time urge for frequent urination and need to urinate at night. The definition implies that infections and other diseases are excluded. Overactive bladder affects both young and old. It can in most cases be handled by […]

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Urge Incontinence

Facts About Urge Incontinence Urgency incontinence is the involuntary loss of urine (urinary incontinence) due to sudden, sharp, irresistible urge to urinate (pee) Dealt primarily with bladder training, training of the pelvic floor and medicine In severe cases, can be attempted with the injection of Botox bladder wall or electrostimulation What urgency incontinence? Urgency incontinence is a sudden and strong urge to urinate, which often leads to large urine leaks (leaks). This is because the person is not able to suppress the micturition reflex, so that exhausts a greater amount of urine. At some shows the state as a frequent and strong urge to urinate (pee) without leaking. This is known as urgency syndrome. How common is urge incontinence? In […]

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Urinary Incontinence and Stress

Facts About Urinary Incontinence Stress incontinence means involuntary loss of urine associated with physical exertion This type of incontinence is indicated by loss of the usually small amounts of urine when coughing, sneezing, and the like Treated with lifestyle changes, pelvic floor exercises and / or surgery What is stress incontinence? Stress incontinence means involuntary loss of urine (urinary leakage) during coughing, sneezing, or other activities, which increases the pressure in the abdominal cavity. It is usually small amounts of urine leaking at a time. It divides incontinence in three grades: Easy – drop leakage 1-2 times a month Moderate – daily drop leakage Serious – larger leakage amounts at least once a week How common is stress incontinence? Involuntary urination […]

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Pelvic Floor Training

Facts About Pelvic Floor Training The purpose of pelvic floor exercises to strengthen the muscles in the abdomen to prevent urine leakage and subsequent descent of the uterus You can train your pelvic muscles in standing, sitting and lying position You will find the right muscles by trying to stop the beam when urinating Once you’ve found the right muscles, you train by pinching so hard together you can, but without using other muscle groups. You should gradually increase the number of repetitions and low ranges of 8-12 pinch every time you exercise Pelvic floor exercises should be done three times a day – each with 8-12 repetitions About the training program The purpose of pelvic floor exercises to strengthen […]

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