Cervical Polyps

Facts About Cervical Polyps A polyp of the cervix is ​​an outgrowth of a few mm to cm Polyps which arise from the cervical canal, protruding through the cervix and can be seen by the gynecological examination Polyps of the cervix is ​​frequent and about 99% are benign and harmless […]

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Cancer and Fertility

Facts About Cancer and Fertility 4% of women under 45 years was in 2012 a cancer diagnosis Some cancers can be cured, but treatment may affect your ability to have children There are sometimes options to preserve fertility: By chemo- or radiation therapy affecting the ovaries, may be carried out […]

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Uterine Prolapse Treatment

Facts About Uterine Prolapse Treatment Uterine prolapse or prolapse of the genitals caused by a weakening of the pelvic muscles and joints There is seen in about 50% of women over 40, but only about 6% have symptoms Typical causes are births (big kids, twins), heavy physical labor, constipation, heredity, […]

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Uterus Prolapse Diagnosis

Facts About Uterine Prolapse Uterine prolapse or prolapse of the genitals caused by a weakening of the pelvic muscles and ligaments There is seen in about 50% of women over 40 years, but only about 6% have symptoms Typical causes are births (big kids, twins), heavy physical labor, constipation, heredity, […]

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Uterine Prolapse

Facts Uterine prolapse or prolapse of the genitals caused by a weakening in the suspension apparatus There is seen in about 50% of women over 40 years, but only about 6% have symptoms Typical causes are births (big kids, twins), heavy physical labor, constipation, heredity, obesity and COPD Typical symptoms […]

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Vaginismus (also known as vaginal penetration disorder) is the difficulty of performing intercourse, due to the contraction involuntary of the muscles of the lower third of the vaginal. It is an uncommon condition and women who suffer from vaginismus can enjoy sexual play and achieve orgasm since this dysfunction is […]

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Clinical Information on Premenstrual Syndrome

Basic information Premenstrual Syndrome Definition Genes of relapsing mental and / or somatic character which occurs in the post-ovulatory (luteal) phase of the menstrual cycle 1 The genes disappear during the first days of menstruation Premenstrual symptoms occur in a mild form in 75% of all women By premenstrual syndrome […]

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Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS)

Facts About Premenstrual Syndrome PMS is the mental and / or physical problems that arise in the period up to menstrual bleeding and disappear during the first day of menstruation. Approximately 5% of all women are so bothered that it leads to absenteeism Typical psychological symptoms are depressed mood, irritability, crying […]

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Irregular Periods

Facts About Irregular Periods Menstruation is irregular when it arrives at different times than expected The bleeding may come from the uterus, cervix or vagina Occurs most of young girls who have just gotten menstruation and menopause The reason may be hormonal disorders, inflammation, fibroids, polyps or cell changes Treatment depends […]

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