Benign Breast Lumps

Facts Benign Breast Lumps

  • Nodules in the breasts are common in women because of hormonal fluctuations of menstruation and while nursing.
  • Emerging nodules that persist during menstruation, should always be investigated.


Breast lumps in women is a frequent cause of contact with the doctor. The breast is composed of mammary glands, in glands that after birth developed to produce milk. In addition, there are varying amounts of fatty tissue and connective tissue. There may be both nodes in the glandular tissue and fat or connective tissue. Like other places on / in the body, there may also be lumps in the skin, both in the superficial and the deeper skin layers.

How common is benign lump in her breast?

Statistics show that the vast majority of nodes that are discovered in breasts are benign. When women still are urged to consult a doctor if they discover new breast lumps, it is because it can be breast cancer – especially after age 50.

What causes breast lumps?

Breast tissue is sensitive to hormonal influences. Most women feel that breasts can raise anything in the days just before menstruation. This is because the hormone effect allows more fluid in the mammary glands and mammary glands becomes enlarged slightly. During this period the breasts feel sore and tense, and there may be small nodules in the glandular tissue. After menses, the liquid in the glands decrease and disappear nodes. If the gland is not completely emptied of liquid, you can feel a knot, also after menstruation. If the node is new, it must always be examined.

What should or can be done?

Although some 9 out of 10 new nodes are discovered, are benign, it is important to take this symptom seriously. Mammography used to identify small changes and it is used as an aid to distinguish between benign and malignant nodule. Sometimes provide mammograms no certain answer, and then often use ultrasound as a supplement. If there are knots, and mammography and ultrasound is not 100% clarifications, are also taken a tissue sample from the node to get a completely safe diagnosis.

How to distinguish between benign and malignant nodule?

This can be tricky, and the emerging nodules should radiography and possibly biopsy of the nodule.

age Changes

The mammary glands are affected by hormones, and they change over time. These changes are typical for the different age groups. Breast cancer becomes more common with increasing age, rarely before 40 years.

Before the age of 25 knots frequent cyst formation (fluid-filled lumps) in the milk ducts, possibly bindevævsknuder or changes in the skin.

Until 35 years of age it is often with swelling of the mammary glands due to hormonal influences and mælkeansamling in glands. Nodules during breast-feeding are also frequent. Cancer is still rare but occur.

Up to age 50 can still find benign nodules in both mammary glands and milk ducts. Bindevævsknuder are also common. But cancer will always be an important diagnostic thinking.

After 50 years of age there will always be suspect cancer if there is a new lump in a breast. But also in this age group, most nodules are benign.

What are the symptoms of breast lumps?

A lump in the breast can feel like a round ball, a soft or a hard bulge area of ​​the tissue.

How is it diagnosed?

The diagnosis is made by the doctor marks on the chest.

What treatment is there for benign breast lumps?

If breast cancer is excluded, it is not necessary to remove a benign tumor unless it is disturbing. Often removes the knot to be sure that it is not about breast cancer.

How is long-term prospects?

Most lumps are discovered by the woman herself through self-study. If you have been diagnosed with a benign lump in the breast, the risk of getting cancer later no greater than in any other woman. It is recommended that you continue self-control and make renewed contact with the doctor if new knots or if the old knot grows.

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