Cervical Polyps

Facts About Cervical Polyps

  • A polyp of the cervix is ​​an outgrowth of a few mm to cm
  • Polyps which arise from the cervical canal, protruding through the cervix and can be seen by the gynecological examination
  • Polyps of the cervix is ​​frequent and about 99% are benign and harmless
  • Your doctor can remove the polyp by gynecological examination and will always send for further investigation

What is cervical polyps?

The cervix is ​​the part of the uterus that reaches down into the vagina. In the middle of the cervix is ​​the external cervical os, which is the opening into the narrow cervix canal that connects the vagina and the uterine cavity. A polyp of the cervix is ​​an outgrowth of a few mm to cm. It occurs either from the surface or from the cervix into the cervical canal. Polyps which arise from the cervical canal are protruding through the cervix and can be seen by the gynecological examination.

How common is cervical polyps?

Polyps of the cervix is ​​frequent.

It is dangerous?

Over 99 percent of the polyps in the cervix are benign and harmless. In rare cases, there are malignant (cancer) cells in these polyps.

What are the symptoms of cervical polyps?

As a rule, cervical polyps no symptoms and bliveropdaget randomly by a gynecological examination. Some polyps can cause irregular vaginal bleeding, increased drain downs or bleeding after intercourse. Polyps of the cervix does not pain.

What symptoms should you pay particular attention to?

Bleeding outside menstruation time

How is it diagnosed?

The doctor can see the poll at a regular gynecological examination.

What treatment is there?

Although the risk that there is cancer in the polyp is very low (<1%), recommend you to remove polyps to be on the safe side. The tissue is submitted for microscopic analysis to confirm that the polyp is benign.

How is long-term prospects?

It is not common that a polyp returns after it is removed, but it seems.

How do I avoid or aggravate cervical polyps?

You can not even do anything to prevent cervical polyps

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