Fibroadenoma in the Breasts

Facts Fibroadenoma

  • A fibroadenoma is a benign tumor of the breast. It is a benign lump and not a real tumor
  • Fibroadenomas are relatively common and seen in women in the 16-45 age
  • There are usually no symptoms, but any lump in the breast should be examined by a doctor
  • In most cases, the need for further investigation to rule out that in the case of a malignant tumor
  • Previously, all fibroadenomas surgically removed. Today everything is a little more reluctant operation
  • More than half of the tumors disappear by themselves within a few years

What is a fibroadenoma?

A fibroadenoma is a benign tumor of the breast in women and can be located anywhere in the chest. It is presumably growth disturbance and therefore no real tumor. The size varies but averages between 1 and 3 cm in diameter. It is estimated that nine out of ten new lumps in the breasts in women before menopause are benign.

How common is fibroadenoma?

The condition is seen most often in the age group 16-45 years. Number of new cases per year varies in different materials, from as frequent as breast cancer to a third of it, i.e. occurs several thousand new cases per year. In ca. 20% of the cases there are several fibroadenomas. They are found most frequently in the upper outer part of the breast, which also contains the largest amount of breast tissue.

What causes fibroadenoma?

The cause is unknown, but hormonal factors seem to play a role. These nodes occur practically never, until the woman started to menstruate. The incidence falls sharply in menopausal. Fibroadenomas defined today as a developmental disorder and not as a tumor disease.

Despite the fact that sex hormones very likely affect the development of a fibroadenoma, the most likely time for the start of menstruation, number of pregnancies, number of births and the timing of menopause plays no role in the development. The poll seems to lead to a much lower risk of developing fibroadenomas.

What are the symptoms of fibroadenoma?

In a young breast detected a fibroadenoma know that you feel a round or patched, fixed, delimited, movable swelling in the chest.

In the elderly is a fibroadenoma less moving because it is more attached to the surrounding tissue, and the knot can be difficult to distinguish from cancer just by feeling it. In older people fibroadenomet sometimes felt like a rock-hard tumor, because of calcification.

What symptoms should you pay particular attention to?

One should always consult a doctor when you feel a lump in the breast.

How is it diagnosed?

The doctor makes the most often diagnosed by feeling the knot and compare it with your age. If the doctor is in doubt, you will usually be referred to mammography.

In mammography can fibroadenomas in women menstruating age is seen as an isolated change, which may be difficult to distinguish from a cyst. In women after menopause can be seen typical coarse calcifications. When all age groups are taken into account, about 10% of all breast cancers by mammography like a well-defined benign tumor.

Ultrasound is used to distinguish between cysts and solid tumors. Finnålsdiagnostik widely used in the first investigation of tumors in the breast. This means that a thin needle is inserted into the node and is drawn out tissue for microscopic examination. In some cases, making it a so-called triple test, which involves:

  • Medical (doctor feels the breast and armpit)
  • Imaging (mammography, ultrasound)
  • FinnÃ¥lsaspirationscytologi (tissue sample is taken out with a small needle)

By a triple test increased safety in the doctor’s consideration of the diagnosis.

What is the treatment?

The traditional treatment of fibroadenomas has been to remove them, for fear of missing breast. However, the treatment has become more hesitant because of the growing experience of finnålsaspirationscytologi and x-ray examinations, the possibility of recovery of the knot and the cosmetic aspects.

In women with familial vulnerability to breast cancer should be extra cautious when treatment is assessed. In these cases, you will often remove fibroadenomet.

How is long-term prospects?

Previously it was assumed that fibroadenomas grow with a doubling time of 6-12 months and usually reaches its final size when they are 1-3 cm in diameter. Recent studies show that nodules reduced completely or become less of many. Cancer Development of a fibroadenoma is extremely rare and there seems to be no correlation between the two states.

Research has shown that nearly half feel that knot disappear within five years and about 70% after nine years.

How do I avoid or aggravate fibroadenoma?

One can not even affect the formation or progression of a fibroadenoma.

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