Breast Lumps

Facts About Breast Lumps Nodules in the breasts are common in women because of hormonal fluctuations of the menstrual and breastfeeding Emerging nodules that persist during menstruation, should always be examined for breast cancer What are breast lumps? Mammary consist of mammary glands and milk ducts. Additionally, there are plenty of fat and connective tissue between the glands. Tumors and nodes can be both in glands and kirtelgange and in fatty tissue and connective tissue. Furthermore, also nodules or lumps in the skin of the mammary glands could be perceived as breast lumps. Of the nodes that are discovered, the vast majority thankfully benign. In 85% of cases it is women themselves who discover the knot. Why addressing patient care? […]

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Fibroadenoma in the Breasts

Facts Fibroadenoma A fibroadenoma is a benign tumor of the breast. It is a benign lump and not a real tumor Fibroadenomas are relatively common and seen in women in the 16-45 age There are usually no symptoms, but any lump in the breast should be examined by a doctor In most cases, the need for further investigation to rule out that in the case of a malignant tumor Previously, all fibroadenomas surgically removed. Today everything is a little more reluctant operation More than half of the tumors disappear by themselves within a few years What is a fibroadenoma? A fibroadenoma is a benign tumor of the breast in women and can be located anywhere in the chest. It is […]

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Benign Breast Lumps

Facts Benign Breast Lumps Nodules in the breasts are common in women because of hormonal fluctuations of menstruation and while nursing. Emerging nodules that persist during menstruation, should always be investigated. Generally Breast lumps in women is a frequent cause of contact with the doctor. The breast is composed of mammary glands, in glands that after birth developed to produce milk. In addition, there are varying amounts of fatty tissue and connective tissue. There may be both nodes in the glandular tissue and fat or connective tissue. Like other places on / in the body, there may also be lumps in the skin, both in the superficial and the deeper skin layers. How common is benign lump in her breast? […]

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Ovarian Cancer

Facts About Ovarian Cancer It’s about. 600 new cases of ovarian cancer each year in South Africa Most cases occur in the 70-80 age The most frequent symptoms are increased levels of stomach heaviness and pain Symptoms often come late and thus discovered many cases in a late stage The treatment for ovarian cancer is often surgery followed by chemotherapy There are no good options for screening for the development of ovarian cancer Ovarian Cancer Ovarian cancer occurs in approximately 570 women in South Africa per year and is thus the second most common form of abdominal cancer in South Africa ( cancer of the uterusis the most frequent). Approximately eight times more sheep breast cancer. Ovarian cancer can occur from […]

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Cystic Teratoma

Facts About Cystic Teratoma Tumors originating in the fetus and therefore several different cell types. Occurs most often as tumor or cyst in the ovaries in young women, but can also be seen in the testes in boys before puberty Are usually found during routine examination of the fetus by ultrasound, or by gynecological examination of adult women Treatment is removal of the tumor by surgery What is a cystic teratoma? Teratomas are tumors that are formed of multiple cell types. The tumor originated from germ cells (germinal cells) in the embryo stage. Includes both benign teratomas, well-developed cysts (cavity) opening and compact, immature malignant tumors. The benign cysts predominate, but there is always a small risk that a benign tumor […]

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Uterine Cancer

Facts About Uterine Cancer Cancer of the uterus is the term for cancer of the uterine lining (endometrium), or connective tissue (sarcoma) It’s about. 750 new cases of cervical cancer a year in South Africa, and 85% of cases occur in women after menopause The risk is increased in obese, diabetic patients, and women receiving estrogen therapy without also getting treatment, securing regular bleeding at the rejection of the mucosa The most frequent symptom is bleeding after menopause Treatment consists of removal of the uterus, and in many cases they then recovered. Some must have finishing in the form of chemotherapy and / or radiotherapy The prognosis is good, since most cases are discovered at an early stage About this information […]

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Cancer Of The Cervix

Facts About Cancer Of The Cervix Cervical cancer is cancer of the part of the uterus that protrudes into the vagina In South Africa, about 400 women diagnosed with cervical cancer each year The disease caused by Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) which is transmitted sexually Will the disease detected in an early stage, it can be operated away. In later stages, chemo and possibly. radiotherapy necessary 88% of women will be alive one year after diagnosis, 67% will be alive after five years Survival depends on the stage of the disease Abdominal cancer Those who are diagnosed with abdominal cancer, whether it is cancer of the uterus, ovaries or cervix, gets many considerations: Why was I sick? How will it go […]

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Gynaecological Examinations

Facts About Gynaecological Examinations Gynecology is the study of diseases of the female genitalia. It is a medical specialty, which includes signs of disease and diseases of the ovaries, fallopian tubes, uterus, cervix, vagina and area surrounding the vaginal opening Clearing possible disease of the female genital organs consist of a medical history, a gynecological examination and an ultrasound scan of the abdomen if necessary. Additional studies What gynaecology? Gynecology is the study of diseases of the female genitalia. It is a medical specialty, which includes signs of disease and diseases of the ovaries, fallopian tubes, uterus, cervix, vagina and the area surrounding the vaginal opening. Diseases can be inflammations, tumors, bleeding disorders, urinary leakage and infertility. Obstetrics, the doctrine […]

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Ovarian Cysts

Facts Ovarian Cysts A cyst is a fluid-filled bladder Approximately 10% of women before menopause have ovarian cysts and usually gives no discomfort or symptoms Cysts are usually 3-5 cm, but can be 30 cm The symptoms are – if there are any symptoms – abdominal pressure, abrupt and trips show pain, increasing the extent of stomach Some cysts produces hormones that include may cause bleeding disorders Some cysts can be malignant Treatment is either surgical or pending checks What are ovarian cysts? Cyst is the Latin name for some liquid filled. Or cysts in the ovaries is all fluid-filled processes. The cysts develop mostly in those cells that are already present in the ovary. Most smaller cysts are normal and […]

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