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What You Need to Know About Red Light Therapy

How Exactly Does It Work? The body is subjected to low-wavelength red light during RLT treatment. The RLT treatment is a streamlined process that involves exposing the body to red light with a low wavelength. The process is also known by the name low-level laser light therapy; however, RLT is likely the more popular term. This red light is naturally occurring and can travel deep beneath the skin, allowing it to be absorbed by the cells and put to use. According to research, the mitochondria that are found in the cells of the skin can take in light particles. This may assist the cells in producing more adenosine triphosphate, which serves as the energy supply for every cell in the body. The possible […]

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Common Misconceptions About Cancer

A Diagnosis of Cancer is a Certain Death Sentence Cancer is not an automatic cause of death. Recovery rates are continually getting better as scientists gain a deeper understanding of cancer and develop more effective treatments. It is also important to keep in mind that survival rates are highly variable depending on the specific type of cancer being treated. For instance, the five-year survival rate for testicular cancer in the United Kingdom is 98%, whereas the five-year survival rate for pancreatic cancer is only 1%. The Cancerous Condition is Infectious This is a common fallacy. Cancer is not an infectious disease. Cancer cannot be passed on to other people even if one person has it. On the other hand, cancers of the […]

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Knowing That Addiction is a Brain Disease is Essential to Developing Effective Treatment Strategies

The idea that substance use disorder (SUD) or addiction must be fully grasped and handled as a brain disease has received growing support from research conducted over the past few decades. Nevertheless, the idea is still questioned, primarily because of the stereotype that surrounds the behavioral problems that are an inherent part of the condition, even though these studies have increasingly supported the view. This stigma is a significant barrier for people struggling with substance use disorders and the people who care about them when they try to get help, which reduces their chances of receiving effective and long-term treatment.  Substance Use Disorder According to this theory of addiction, substance use disorder (SUD) is a brain disease that is both […]

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What Exactly is Cancer?

Cancer causes cells to split maniacally. This can arise as tumors, harm to the immune system, and other impairments that, if left untreated, can be fatal. In this blog entry, we look at the different types of cancer, discuss how the disease progresses, and discuss the various treatment options that greatly boost survival rates and quality of life for people with cancer. What Exactly is Cancer? Cancer is a very general term. It is a term used to refer to the disease that develops as a consequence of cellular changes that lead to the unregulated division and expansion of cells. The progression of some forms of cancer results in accelerated cell growth, while other types of cancer cause cells to grow and divide […]

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The Vitamin C Placebo

Vitamin C is not going to help your immunity against Coronavirus, or is it? Vitamin C (aka ascorbic acid) is an unlikely vitamin supplement to help people fight off the common cold, let alone the Coronavirus. The dietary supplement was first recommended by Nobel Prize winner Linus Pauling (American chemist, biochemist, a chemical engineer, nuclear activist and later author). Paulings 1970s claim advocated taking elevated doses of Vitamin C, as a cure-all for anything ranging from the common cold to preventing a wide range of cancer, heart disease, strokes, mental illness, old age, diabetes, arthritis, kidney disease and hepatitis. ? Sounds incredible. While a Nobel prize-winning titan in the field of biochemistry, Pauling’s lent his authority in later years to […]

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Glossary of Pelvic Cancer in Women

Curettage, curettage of the lining of the uterus. Implies that there will be removed superficial tissues. Atypical cells: Abnormal cells, cells with a different look than usual. May be harmless, but can also result from cell changes. Biopsy: Tissue sample, a piece of tissue is removed and sent for microscopic examination. Used for diagnostics. Carcinoma in situ (CIS): Localized cell changes that do not grow into the deeper layer and is not carcinogenic but a precursor. Cell Change: Cells that are different, but have not developed into cancer cells. Cervical abrasion: scraping from the cervix. Columnar: epithelium with cylindrical cells. Seems the cervix. Cyst: Medical term for liquid-filled process can be either benign (benign) or malignant (malignant) Cytotoxic agents (cytotoxic […]

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Facts About Lymphoedema Lymphoedema is the term for swelling due. Lymph who can not drain properly. Lymph flows in small vessels of the limbs and the various organs from the heart For many operations including abdominal cancer and breast cancer lymph nodes removed then there may be lymphoedema Treatment consists of support stockings, physiotherapy and in some cases diuretics What are lymph and lymphatic system? The body has two circuits: the blood circulation and lymphatic system. The heart is the pump of the general circulation, in which oxygen and nutrients are transported into the body through the arteries (arteries) and the oxygen-depleted blood returns to the heart through the blood vessels (veins). The blood then passes the lungs where it […]

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General Info on Pelvic Cancer

Facts About Pelvic Cancer There may be cancer in all parts of the woman’s abdomen. Cancer of the cervix (cancer cervix uteri) Often found early and the possibility of cure is therefore good Cancer of the uterus (corpus uteri cancer) Often detected early and there is good opportunity for healing Ovarian cancer (cancer Ovari) : Ovarian cancer is a serious disease because it often detected late Cancer of the vulva (vulvar cancer) : Most visible changes and wounds that do not heal The treatment may be surgery, radiotherapy or chemotherapy Cancer of the vagina (vaginal cancer) : Vaginal discharge or abnormal bleeding can cause suspicion, but the diagnosis by biopsy The treatment may be surgery, radiotherapy or chemotherapy About this […]

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Facts About Laparotomy Surgery Laparotomy is an open operation to be carried out through the opening of the abdominal wall The most common gynecological operations performed by open surgery, removal of the uterus due to large Fibroids in the uterus or because of abdominal cancer At laparotomy one is hospitalized for 1-5 days and sick leave for 1-4 weeks, depending on what is done Laparotomy is an open operation to be carried out through the opening of the abdominal wall. The most common gynecological operations performed by open surgery, removal of the uterus because of large Fibroids in the uterus or because there is cancer in the abdomen. In some cases it is not known with certainty in advance whether […]

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