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What Exactly is Cancer?

Cancer causes cells to split maniacally. This can arise as tumors, harm to the immune system, and other impairments that, if left untreated, can be fatal. In this blog entry, we look at the different types of cancer, discuss how the disease progresses, and discuss the various treatment options that greatly boost survival rates and quality of life for people with cancer. What Exactly is Cancer? Cancer is a very general term. It is a term used to refer to the disease that develops as a consequence of cellular changes that lead to the unregulated division and expansion of cells. The progression of some forms of cancer results in accelerated cell growth, while other types of cancer cause cells to grow and divide […]

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Facts About Lymphoedema Lymphoedema is the term for swelling due. Lymph who can not drain properly. Lymph flows in small vessels of the limbs and the various organs from the heart For many operations including abdominal cancer and breast cancer lymph nodes removed then there may be lymphoedema Treatment consists of support stockings, physiotherapy and in some cases diuretics What are lymph and lymphatic system? The body has two circuits: the blood circulation and lymphatic system. The heart is the pump of the general circulation, in which oxygen and nutrients are transported into the body through the arteries (arteries) and the oxygen-depleted blood returns to the heart through the blood vessels (veins). The blood then passes the lungs where it […]

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Silicone Breast Implants

Facts About Breast Implant Surgery Breast implants are used for cosmetic enhancement of breast size. In South Africa, the operation is performed by plastic surgeons It is believed that more than 50,000 South African women have silicone breast implants for breast augmentation or breast reconstruction In 2010, approximately 2,000 women performed cosmetic breast surgery Silicone implants can be placed either below or above the great pectoral muscle Despite intensive research have failed to show significant adverse health effects of breast implants When you use the breast implants? Breast implants are used for cosmetic enhancement of breast size. In South Africa, the operation is performed only by plastic surgeons with special permission to perform cosmetic surgery. Breast implants are also used […]

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Breast Lumps

Facts About Breast Lumps Nodules in the breasts are common in women because of hormonal fluctuations of the menstrual and breastfeeding Emerging nodules that persist during menstruation, should always be examined for breast cancer What are breast lumps? Mammary consist of mammary glands and milk ducts. Additionally, there are plenty of fat and connective tissue between the glands. Tumors and nodes can be both in glands and kirtelgange and in fatty tissue and connective tissue. Furthermore, also nodules or lumps in the skin of the mammary glands could be perceived as breast lumps. Of the nodes that are discovered, the vast majority thankfully benign. In 85% of cases it is women themselves who discover the knot. Why addressing patient care? […]

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Fibroadenoma in the Breasts

Facts Fibroadenoma A fibroadenoma is a benign tumor of the breast. It is a benign lump and not a real tumor Fibroadenomas are relatively common and seen in women in the 16-45 age There are usually no symptoms, but any lump in the breast should be examined by a doctor In most cases, the need for further investigation to rule out that in the case of a malignant tumor Previously, all fibroadenomas surgically removed. Today everything is a little more reluctant operation More than half of the tumors disappear by themselves within a few years What is a fibroadenoma? A fibroadenoma is a benign tumor of the breast in women and can be located anywhere in the chest. It is […]

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Benign Breast Lumps

Facts Benign Breast Lumps Nodules in the breasts are common in women because of hormonal fluctuations of menstruation and while nursing. Emerging nodules that persist during menstruation, should always be investigated. Generally Breast lumps in women is a frequent cause of contact with the doctor. The breast is composed of mammary glands, in glands that after birth developed to produce milk. In addition, there are varying amounts of fatty tissue and connective tissue. There may be both nodes in the glandular tissue and fat or connective tissue. Like other places on / in the body, there may also be lumps in the skin, both in the superficial and the deeper skin layers. How common is benign lump in her breast? […]

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Oral Contraceptives

Facts About Oral Contraceptives Birth control pills are frequently used and effective contraception They prevent ovulation, makes the cervical mucus becomes less susceptible to a fertilized egg and changes the mucus in the cervix, which then become less permeable to sperm Pros: Simple to use, small and regular bleeding and reduces menstrual pain Disadvantages: Does not protect against sexually transmitted diseases and causes side effects as other hormonal contraceptives. In particular, there is an increased risk of blood clots, which are higher for some of the new types of pill. 2nd generation contraceptive pills have the least risk mechanism of action prevents ovulation The endometrium is less susceptible to a fertilized egg Mucus in the cervix becomes less permeable to sperm […]

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Breast Pain

Facts About Breast Pain Breast pain often have relationship with the menstrual cycle and due to hormone exposure of breast tissue Breast pain associated with amninger is very common, but signs of infection should contact a doctor When breast pain that is not related to lactation or menstruation cycle, one finds rarely a cause. The pain usually goes by itself within months What is breast pain? Breast pain is relatively frequent. Occurs especially in the age group between 30 and 50 years. The symptom often causes anxiety for cancer Studies have shown that cancer only exceptionally lead to breast pain. Fewer than 1 in 200 women with breast pain have cancer Tips for diagnosis Pain, which tend to fluctuate with the […]

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Breast Cancer Treatment

Facts About Breast Cancer Treatment Treatment of breast cancer consists primarily of operation Following surgery, radiotherapy, chemotherapy and / or hormone ablation be topical Recurrence of breast cancer gives you primarily anti-hormone therapy or chemotherapy General information on the treatment of breast cancer There are many factors that come into play when choosing treatment. It is important that you participate in the decisions and decide what information you want. The treatment will be decided by a team of doctors consisting of surgeons, oncologists (doctor specializing in chemotherapy and radiotherapy), radiologists and pathologists (physician specializing in tissue samples). Treatment depends on the type of cancer that is about the size of the knot over your breasts, the severity tumor has (stage), it […]

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