Facts About Vaginal Yeast Infections
- Changes in the bacterial flora of the vagina leading to the growth of the fungus Candida albicans
- The genes are burning and itching of the vagina and the vaginal opening and the thick white lumpy discharge (cottage cheese-like)
- Many women have fungus in the vagina without causing genes, but antibiotic treatment, immunocompromised, diabetes and pregnancy can lead to increased growth of fungi and hence symptoms
- Can be treated with over the counter medication – either as vaginal tablets or cream and in severe cases with a prescription antifungal
What is fungal infection of the vagina?
Fungal infection (Candida vaginitis) in the vagina caused by the fungus Candida albicans . The genes are burning and itching of the vagina and the vaginal opening. There is often thick, white if necessary. lumpy discharge that looks like cottage cheese. Udflådet smells not usually.
Many have pain and soreness during intercourse. Often feels mucous membranes dry and delicate, and cracks can occur at the vaginal entrance. There may also be pain on urination.
In the gynecological examination is lumpy white coatings on a red irritated mucous membrane of the vaginal walls and the cervix.
How common is fungal infection of the vagina?
Vaginal yeast infection is a frequent condition 55% of female college students report at least one doctor diagnosed cases.
What causes fungal infection of the vagina?
Many women have fungus in the vagina without causing genes. Factors that alter the vaginal bacterial flora and acidity, can lead to growth of fungus. The most common cause of fungal infection is antibiotic therapy.
antibioticsinhibits the bacteria that normally live together with small amounts of fungus in the vagina. When the bacteria are killed, get the fungus taken over and can multiply freely. Also treatment with cortisone or immunosuppressant drugs can cause fungal infection of the vagina.
Other conditions that can lead to fungus in the vagina, is pregnancy and diabetes.
Normally not infected with the fungus by others, and you do not consider fungal infection of a venereal disease. The woman can infect a man, but the man can not infect the woman.
What are the symptoms of fungal infection of the vagina?
Burning and itching of the vagina and the vaginal opening. There is often thick, white if necessary. lumpy discharge that looks like cottage cheese. Udflådet smells not usually. Many have pain and soreness during intercourse. Often feels mucous membranes dry and delicate, and cracks can occur at the vaginal entrance. There may also be pain on urination.
What symptoms should you pay particular attention to?
There are no symptoms, you should pay special attention to.
How is it diagnosed?
The typical symptoms of white, odorless vaginal discharge and itching or burning sensation in the vagina makes it a simple diagnosis. It turns out, however, that many women who think they have fungal infection, do not.
The fungus can be detected by microscopy of udflådet.
What treatment is there?
By fungal infection has previously recommended to avoid tight-fitting synthetic underwear – but it is very doubtful whether it plays any role. Excessive washing and the use of soap in the vagina is not recommended.
As a rule, one treated with OTC medicines for local treatment. Is used, for example, suppositories, which is set up deep in the vagina before going to bed (either 500 mg as a single dose, which is as effective as a dose 200 mg distributed for 3 days or 100 mg for 6 days). There can be supplemented with cream, which applied to the labia and around the vaginal opening 1-3 times daily for 1-2 weeks.
Tablet treatment, usually dosed as a single dose of flukonazol have the same, but not more effective than topical treatment. Prescription is required.
At very frequent recurrence it may be relevant to long-term treatment, for example with a suppository every month just after menstruation.
How is long-term prospects?
The prognosis is good, and the disease is completely harmless. You will often quickly without treatment. In the treatment, a svampekur almost always help. Generally partner treatment is not necessary if he does not have genes.
During pregnancy are fungal infections very frequent. They can be difficult to treat and often come back during pregnancy. One must consider only if there are very pronounced genes.
Continuing relapse is still a major problem in some. There may then be some particularly hardy fungi species at risk. Do you suspect recurrent yeast infections, your doctor may examine what types of fungus in question.
How do I avoid or aggravate fungal infection of the vagina?
Does diabetes must be controlled and be aware that medicines like antibiotics and cortisone can increase the risk of candidavaginit.
Do you want to know more?
- antibiotics
- cortisone
- Candida vaginitis – for health care