Facts About Uterine Prolapse Treatment
- Uterine prolapse or prolapse of the genitals caused by a weakening of the pelvic muscles and joints
- There is seen in about 50% of women over 40, but only about 6% have symptoms
- Typical causes are births (big kids, twins), heavy physical labor, constipation, heredity, obesity and COPD disease
- Typical symptoms include heaviness, urinary / bowel problems – if the drop is outside the vaginal opening
Treatment depends on how weak the supporting tissue (pelvic muscles and joints) around the uterus has become. Young women who have had uterine prolapse after giving birth, you will generally not be able to obtain for surgery until after at least one year after birth. Most of these cases goes namely by itself.
Pelvic floor exercises
You can strengthen the muscles of the pelvis by doing exercises at home. You do this by tightening the pelvic floor muscles in the same way as when you stop your urine stream when urinating. Then you tighten the anal sphincter and pinches together back in, holding sprændingen and try to pull the whole pelvic floor upwards. You may want. Feel after a finger in the vagina, if you get hold of the right muscles. When you do Kegel exercises, only the pelvic floor that needs work. You must not buckle in the abdomen, buttocks or face!
The pressure must be kept for 1 minute at a time – it is not enough quick pinch. The exercises should preferably be made in 10 minutes, preferably several times a day and preferably in both portrait and landscape position. The exercises strengthen the pelvic floor and provides support around the vagina, urethra and pelvic floor.
Estrogen Cream / suppositories in the vagina to help to restore the strength and vitality of the tissue of the vagina. It may, in mild cases, be a sufficient treatment.
Recommended only at the symptoms. Depending on your age and whether you want to become pregnant, surgery may either be used to strengthen the pelvic muscles and joints, or you can remove the uterus (hysterectomy). In connection with the procedure, the surgeon may tighten the vaginal wall, and the area surrounding the urinary bladder and the rectum. After the procedure, it is not unusual with less complications in the form of light bleeding, infection, catarrh of the bladder, voiding problems and urinary leakage. These genes are usually transient and often easy to treat.
It is important to continue pelvic floor exercises after surgery, as it can cause problems with urinary incontinence.
Other treatment
If you do not want surgery or surgery is a major burden for you, you can choose to use a diaphragm. It is placed in the vagina and can prevent the uterus sinking. You can use the diaphragm transient or permanent. It is possible to complete sexual intercourse, even if you have pessary. There are different types and sizes of støttepessar and you will find the size that best fits your needs. For large prolapses will pessary not help enough, and it can be difficult to hold the diaphragm in place without it falling out. A pessary can also cause discomfort in the vagina in the form of chafing and unpleasant vaginal discharge. In such cases, the diaphragm will be removed in a few weeks and then be reinserted. Treatment with pessary should always supplement with a local estrogen therapy to the vagina.
The follow-up depends on how the condition is treated. After surgery, there may be reason to check the effect of the operation, in other cases this is not necessary. If you have inserted a pessary in the vagina, it must be cleaned and your doctor or gynecologist should check it periodically. Your doctor can also check how well your pelvic floor exercises are.
- If you are overweight, you should try to lose weight
- Avoid constipation by eating rough, provide ample fluid intake and good toilet habits
- Avoid heavy lifting
Diaphragm can be effective – both transient and permanent if it is controlled and rengjordt regularly. Operation which “tightens up” around the internal organs, very often good results, but relapse occurs in up to 20% of cases. Today it is estimated not surgery subsidence of the uterus to be major surgery, and there are only a few patients who use pessarbehandling. Hysterectomy is an alternative for some.