Breast Lumps

Facts About Breast Lumps Nodules in the breasts are common in women because of hormonal fluctuations of the menstrual and breastfeeding Emerging nodules that persist during menstruation, should always be examined for breast cancer What are breast lumps? Mammary consist of mammary glands and milk ducts. Additionally, there are plenty […]

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Fibroadenoma in the Breasts

Facts Fibroadenoma A fibroadenoma is a benign tumor of the breast. It is a benign lump and not a real tumor Fibroadenomas are relatively common and seen in women in the 16-45 age There are usually no symptoms, but any lump in the breast should be examined by a doctor […]

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Benign Breast Lumps

Facts Benign Breast Lumps Nodules in the breasts are common in women because of hormonal fluctuations of menstruation and while nursing. Emerging nodules that persist during menstruation, should always be investigated. Generally Breast lumps in women is a frequent cause of contact with the doctor. The breast is composed of […]

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