Laparoscopy in Gynecology

Facts About Gynecologic Laparoscopies

  • A laparoscopy is a keyhole surgery performed through one or more small holes in the abdominal wall
  • Laparoscopy can be remove a cyst or ectopic pregnancy
  • Laparoscopy can also be used to make a diagnosis
  • Laparoscopy has fewer complications than open surgery:
    • There is less pain afterwards
    • Typically, the shorter period of sick leave

What is a laparoscopy?

A laparoscopy is a keyhole surgery performed through one or more small holes in the abdominal wall.

A laparoscopy can be used diagnostically, which means that you look and examine organs and abdominal cavity in order to find an explanation for the patient’s symptoms, usually pain.

  • You will be able to see if there is a ovarian cyst, One clamping of the ovary or the fallopian tube, a bleed from the ovary or endometriosis.
  • You will also see if there is appendicitis.

In other cases, the case of an operative laparoscopy, the doctor performs surgery through the laparoscope.

Many gynecological surgeries may be performed laparoscopically. One can, for example, remove adhesions, operate for ectopic pregnancy and intervene in the fallopian tubes, ovaries, cysts or fibroids in the uterus.

Laparoscopy can also be combined with another operation. The uterus may be sometimes removed by any of the operation is made with laparoscopy and somewhat through the vagina. Interventions intestines and urinary tract can also be performed laparoscopically.

The advantages of laparoscopic surgery compared with open surgery are smaller scars on the abdomen, usually less pain, shorter sick leave and reduced risk of adhesions.

The surgery

The procedure is performed under general anesthesia.

The urinary bladder to be emptied before the operation.

During extended operations put a catheter into the bladder so that it constantly kept empty.

Prepare a small incision (0.5-1 cm) in the navel and the abdominal cavity is filled with carbon dioxide. The laparoscope, a thin tube or a kind of “binoculars” with video, is inserted through the incision in the navel.

Via a TV screen, you can examine the abdominal cavity, uterus, ovaries, fallopian tubes and other organs.

When you operate, there is a need for more assistance instruments, and to make as 2-3 small incisions downwards in the abdominal wall.

It may be necessary to extend one of the cuts, if you have to remove larger amounts of tissue from the abdominal cavity.

How do I prepare for a laparoscopy?

You must prepare yourself for anesthesia, follow the instructions that the staff gives before the operation. In addition, cessation of smoking and alcohol – preferably 3-4 weeks before surgery – reducing the risk of complications during and after surgery.

How dangerous is laparoscopy?

Laparoscopy is basically associated with fewer complications than traditional open surgery. In some cases it may be difficult to carry out an operation through the laparoscope. This may be because many adhesions in the abdominal cavity or that there is a more difficult operation than expected. In these cases, the same anesthetic switch to an open surgery. You must then count on having to stay in the hospital a day or two.

In rare to occur by laparoscopy damage to other organs such as bowel or bladder. The most important thing is to discover the damage and have them corrected, and it may require an open operation. As with other operations, there is a lower risk of complications of bleeding or infection.

After surgery

One to two hours after the operation you can drink and eat and can in most cases get out of bed.

After minor operations, you can go home after a few hours, in other cases, an overnight stay in hospital necessary.

Before discharge, you will be notified of what was found and done during the operation.

You should not be alone the first night after surgery under general anesthesia. In the first few days you may feel bloated in the stomach and possibly having sore shoulders. This is due to irritation of the diaphragm due to air in the abdominal cavity. You may bleed slightly from the vagina and in some it takes a few days before the intestine get started again.

If you had been the catheter into the bladder, it can sting a little the first few times, you need to urinate. Discomfort and pain can often be relieved with painkillers prescribed.

For minor surgery which sterilization is 1-2 sick days is sufficient. Generally, there is rarely need for sick leave for more than seven to ten days after a laparoscopic operation. Do not lie in bed, but physical activity and rest if you tire.

The wounds on the abdomen can be sewn with self-dissolving threads or a nylon wire, to be removed after a week. The wounds are covered with a patch which can be removed the next morning. You can go in the shower the next morning and wash the wound gently with soap and water and pat it dry.

If the engagement is sent material for microscopic examination, there is usually answer after 2-4 weeks. You will be contacted directly from the hospital, if there is a need for further investigation or treatment. Your own doctor will have a copy of the reply and letter about the procedure.

Contact watch gynecologist at the hospital if you get:

  • Unusual vaginal bleeding
  • Increasing abdominal pain
  • unexplained fever
  • Other unexplained pain or discomfort
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