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My Contact Lenses Are Causing Me Such Discomfort

Nothing is more inconvenient than being required to wear contact lenses and afterward experiencing pain, scratching, burning, or other discomfort. It is extremely inconvenient to try to clean or replace them while driving, working, or planning to attend an event which makes it difficult. Here Are a Few of the Most Common Causes of Discomfort When Wearing Contact Lenses If you are certain that you are cleaning and caring for your contact lenses properly, you should consider switching to glasses for a few weeks to give your eyes a break from wearing them. If you are still going to experience discomfort after one or two days, it is recommended that you see your eye doctor. When Wearing Contact Lenses, Improper […]

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The Physical Properties of the Human Eye Similar to Those of a Digital Camera

The “Front Window” Of the Eye – The Cornea The cornea, also known as the straightforward “front window” of the eye, and the natural lens in humans form a complex ocular lens system that serves the same purpose as the lens in a camera. They start concentrating an image on the retina, which is situated in the back of the eye, by bundling parallel light rays that enter the eye (and hence further apart). This image causes the retina to generate an electrical signal, which is then transmitted to the brain via the optic nerve, where it is interpreted and converted into the images we see. The brain creates the images that we see. The cornea and lens collaborate to […]

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2023 Resolutions for a Healthier and Fitter You

At some point in our lives, everyone of us has entertained the daydream of being able to run a marathon or of shedding a significant amount of weight and achieving a level of physical fitness that would allow us to do either of those things. What about adopting a lifestyle that is more conducive to good health? There are probably more than a few of you who have mulled it over as well. On the other hand, changing our routines is not something that comes naturally to the majority of us. In fact, a surprising number of people would rather read reviews of Australian online casinos than increase their quantity of physical activity. At the very least for the time […]

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The LASIK Eye Surgery Procedure 

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved LASIK eye surgery as a safe treatment for correcting specific refractive abnormalities in 1999. This means that patients may need fewer or no glasses or contacts following their surgery. Over the last two decades, ophthalmologists have completed 600,000 LASIK procedures per year. The vast majority of these treatments improve patients’ vision and relieve them of the need to wear prescription glasses such as contacts regularly. To this day, the Drug Enforcement Administration has approved LASIK eye surgery for patients with the following qualifying diagnoses: Myopia Hyperopia Presbyopia Astigmatism However, there is always the chance of negative effects, and there are always risks involved. Before booking a LASIK procedure, individuals who are considering having […]

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The Vitamin C Placebo

Vitamin C is not going to help your immunity against Coronavirus, or is it? Vitamin C (aka ascorbic acid) is an unlikely vitamin supplement to help people fight off the common cold, let alone the Coronavirus. The dietary supplement was first recommended by Nobel Prize winner Linus Pauling (American chemist, biochemist, a chemical engineer, nuclear activist and later author). Paulings 1970s claim advocated taking elevated doses of Vitamin C, as a cure-all for anything ranging from the common cold to preventing a wide range of cancer, heart disease, strokes, mental illness, old age, diabetes, arthritis, kidney disease and hepatitis. ? Sounds incredible. While a Nobel prize-winning titan in the field of biochemistry, Pauling’s lent his authority in later years to […]

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Chiropractic Care

Chiropractic care is an alternative form of treatment in which the practitioner, through manipulation therapy, attempts to restore the movement of a joint or resolve painful abnormalities that most frequently stem from spinal distortions. The manipulation of these spinal abnormalities and their impact on the nervous systems, is intended to improve a range of conditions that cause pain being experienced in different parts of the body. This form of manipulation therapy has been around since ancient times, but chiropractic practices were officially founded in 1897 by Dr Daniel David Palmer. Palmer believed at the time believed that diabetes was caused by the nerve pathways of the vertebrae. An assumption that later turned out to be wrong. Modern chiropractors consider chiropractic […]

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First Aid in Traffic Accidents

Facts About Traffic Accidents Create an overview of the situation Stop the accident, prioritise your own safety first. Secure the scene for injured persons Call help – describe how many, what and where Provide life-saving first aid where needed Take the lead until qualified help comes Get an overview of the situation Call help Make sure to secure the damage site Set warning triangle. Turn the disaster light on to the car Make sure your own safety Make sure no more is injured Bring the injured to safety if there is a risk of fire / explosion (still taking into account your own safety) Keep curious people from the site, but let competent help Organize and benefit the work Give […]

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First Aid Mouth-to-Mouth Resuscitation of an Adult

Facts about Mouth-to-Mouth Resuscitations of Adults The mouth-to-mouth method is used as part of basic cardiac resuscitation The mouth-to-mouth method is used independently for people who have stopped breathing but still have circulation After removing foreign bodies in the mouth of the person who does not breathe, the person bends his head back and the jaw is lifted forward It is held for the nose of the person and is given mouth-to-mouth with about 10 injections per minute, with breaks to let air out between the inlets If an adult or a child stops breathing start mouth-to-mouth resuscitation immediately. How to do mouth to mouth (adult) Make sure the airway is free Remove any foreign matter and loose bites from […]

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First Aid Mouth-to-Mouth Resuscitation of a Child

Facts About Mouth-to-Mouth Resuscitation in Children If a child stops breathing, it is vital to start mouth-to-mouth resuscitation immediately Cardiac arrest in children is often caused by oxygen deficiency Establish first that there is not any foreign matter in the mouth and throat or airways that needs to be removed before mouth to mouth resuscitation can begin Unfortunately, children often do not get heart lung guidance, partly because of insecurity and anxiety to harm the child Cardiac arrest in children is often caused by oxygen deficiency and not so often acute heart disease Mouth-to-Mouth-and-Nose Resuscitation on a Child Under Age 8 or on an Infant Place the child on a hard, flat surface. Look into the mouth and throat to […]

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