Female Fertility and Falling Pregnant

Facts About Falling Pregnant

  • If you have regular menstrual periods, you also have regular ovulation
  • You can check whether you are ovulating with:
    • temperature measurements
    • ovulation test
    • some may see it in their mucus
  • If you want to get pregnant, you must:
    • stop contraception
    • sure to be of normal weight
    • exercise
    • eat regularly and healthily
    • not smoking, drinking alcohol or using drugs
    • check if necessary. medication with your doctor
  • Remember to take folic acid when trying to get pregnant

Many have expectations to become pregnant as soon as they decided it. So simple is not always – even if it is for some.

Only 25% of young, healthy couples get pregnant the first month they try.

For 60% succeed in the course of 3 months.

80-85% become pregnant within a year while 90-95% become pregnant within two years.

The rest – five to ten percent – have a fertility or fertility problem .

You should contact your doctor if you become pregnant within one year. There is no reason to wait that long, if you suspect that there may be a reason that you do not become pregnant. For example, if you only rarely have menstrual periods.


There are several things you can do to increase the chance of getting pregnant. Obviously you stop usingcontraception , but remember that it may take some time before ovulation starts, if you have used the pill.

Other factors that can affect ovulation are:

  • Underweight – which can lead to sporadic or no ovulation
  • Excessive exercise – which can interfere with the woman’s sex hormones progesterone and estrogen
  • Unfortunate eating habits like crash dieting (very low intake of calories in shorter periods) or skipping meals
  • Smoking – changes the mucus in the cervix, which may prevent sperm from reaching the egg. Smoking also seems to increase the risk of miscarriage
  • Stay away from alcohol and drugs
  • Do not take medications or herbal remedies without talking to your doctor first
  • Age – after that you are over 35 years, the risk of fertility problems , miscarriages and certainchromosomal abnormalities increased. For high blood pressure and gestational diabetes is also more common in older mothers. It does not contribute to infertility, but increases the risk of complications in pregnancy and at birth

Another important thing you should do when you have decided to become pregnant is to start with folic acid supplements . It helps prevent spina bifida and other neural tube defects in the child.

It can be dangerous to get rubella during pregnancy. If you do not know whether you have had German measles as a child, you can get tested at your GP.

You can not have too much sex

To get pregnant, you must have intercourse when you are ovulating.

Exactly when each woman is ovulating, can be difficult to say. But mostly you’ll be ovulating around 14 days before the next menstruation. Many believe that it is 14 days after the first day of last menstrual period, but this is 14 days before the next. For those who have a 28-day cycle, 14 days before and 14 days after the same.

During fertilization, the embryo about 24 hours to be a fertilized by a sperm. Sperm can survive in the uterus and fallopian tubes for 2-3 days but all the way up to 7 days have been described.

It is best to have intercourse regularly in the days before ovulation. Have sex regularly, like two to three times a week, then you can almost be sure that you hit ovulation at one time or another.

Healthy couples who want children, can not have too much sex. There is no reason for abstinence to save sperm together.

It does not matter what sexual positions in use. There is no sexual positions that are better than others to achieve pregnancy. The same applies to different positions which individual women assume on sex to “keep the semen”.

You can not do anything to determine the sex of the baby is, although there are a myriad of “advice” about it.

When is ovulation?

To get an idea of ​​when you ovulate, you can use the calendar a few months before you become pregnant. Mark the first day of your period every month. Next see if you can find a pattern of how much time passes between each period.

It is normal to have some clear mucoid discharge in the days before ovulation, but it can be difficult to judge whether udflådet have the “right” color and texture.

If you have a completely irregular menstrual cycle, it can be difficult to guess when there is ovulation. You can check for ovulation by taking your morning temperature daily for a few months. Temperature curves can be difficult to interpret and requires that you live a completely regular life. It does not use as often as temperature curves today.

Another approach is to purchase an LH-test (sticks) of e.g. pharmacy. A morning urine sample tested daily around the time when you expect to ovulate (starting on day 11-12 of the cycle). When ovulation test is positive, you must have sexual intercourse on the day and like the next day or two after. The best thing to do as fertility pair is trying to keep the spark in your relationship while having intercourse two to three times a week, regardless of what the tests show.

Remember to illness, stress and exercise can affect when you will ovulate.

Other good advice is simply to take care of your health and your body. A healthy weight, moderate exercise, healthy food and no stress are good habits that can help fertility.

The fertility decreases after 30 years

The age-related decrease in fertility in women starts early as 27 years of age. Then reduced gradually for every year that passes. Once you have crossed 35 years, reduced fertility by three percent a year.

As the years pass, reduced woman’s ability to become pregnant and the risk of miscarriage increases.

Women mid-30s have half the chance of pregnancy per. month as when they were in their 20s. After 35 years of age, the proportion of successful treatments for infertility also significant. After the age of 40, fertility declines rapidly, and it’s only every third woman who actually have the ability to become pregnant. And she becomes pregnant, the risk of a miscarriage about 50%.

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