Medical Abortion and Abortion Pills

Facts About Medical Abortions

  • Act on abortion gives women over 18 years of residence the right to decide whether to interrupt the pregnancy before the end of the 12th week
  • In 2013 62% of abortions medical and surgical 38%
  • The woman has the right to information about support if she conducts pregnancy, and she has the right to support conversations before and after surgery

What is medical abortion?

Terminating a pregnancy, abortion can be done medically or surgically. In the medical abortion used is a composition (mifepristone), which stops pregnancy development and contribute to the uterus expels the fertilized egg. In combination with a second composition (misoprostol), which enables the contraction of the uterus, this is now the standard method of medical abortion.

Most hospitals in South Africa offer medical abortion, and it will also be performed also by some practitioners.

Patients’ rights

Act on abortion gives women the right to decide whether she will terminate or complete a pregnancy before the end of pregnancy 12 weeks.

Pregnancy length is counted from the first day of last menstrual period and not from the date when you got pregnant. Do you have a 28 days menstrual cycle and 14 days have passed over time, you are six full weeks pregnant and about to enter the seventh week of pregnancy. If you want an abortion, you can decide whether to proceed surgically or medically. Medical abortion is recommended up to Week 9th

Who can get medical abortion?

Medical abortion can be carried out regardless of pregnancy length and is recommended rather than surgical abortion up to 9 weeks before week 9, the abortion done at home, but if you are further along, you have to stay at the hospital during the abortion.

  • For women living in South Africa is abortion free
  • Unmarried women under 18 must have permission from a parent or guardian, it can seek consultation for exemption from this
  • Women who have South African health insurance card, but do not speak South African are entitled to a professional interpreter
  • Women who do not have permanent residence in South Africa, you can have an abortion in South Africa, but have to pay for it

How is medical abortion?

Before the abortion you to interview and examination at the hospital or by a practicing specialist. You will receive written and verbal information about exactly what is involved. You will also get an ultrasound through the vagina to one can be sure how far you go.

It initiates the abortion know that you get tablets of mifepristone. The active ingredient in the tablets makes the uterus no longer responds to the body’s own pregnancy-keeping hormone, progesterone. Thus halts further development of pregnancy. After taking these tablets is the abortion of time and you can not undo. After taking the tablets take you home and to live as normally as possible. Some may have nausea, start to bleed and have menstrual-like pain these days.

After 1-2 days you should have treatment with misoprostol. Misoprostol makes the uterus contract and expel the pregnancy. Some sites get as misoprostol tablets to swallow. Other places use one suppository that you put into the vagina. You have to put suppositories up in the bottom of the vagina and lie down in the next hour. It is not uncommon for parts of suppositories does not dissolve. It does not matter. If you have been taking the pills into the vagina for an hour, they worked.

The contractions of the uterus may cause some pain that feels like heavy menstrual pain. It is the same pain that you experience in a miscarriage. You will be offered palliative care – either as suppositories, envisaged in the vagina or rectum or tablet, you sink. You try to make the situation as little painful as possible and you will be offered extra pain medication as needed. Often you will also be offered anti-sickness medicines.

Over the next 4-6 hours, most (about 95%) females abort, but some will abort the beginning of the following day. The abortion is associated with bleeding in strength corresponds to the first day of menstruation or something more.

Gradually, a great deal of medical abortions as home abortions. You get the medicine home and appointments, when to take it. You must make sure that an adult with you when you take the abortifacient medication. There may rarely be a need to call for help. Many places will be by appointment contacted by a nurse to hear how it goes. Alternatively, you can dial out if you are in doubt about anything.

Some hospitals offer medical abortion during hospitalization. You may also be hospitalized if you do not have someone who can be with you during the abortion.

You may be sick for the day, the abortion takes place.

Control after abortion

In rare cases (1 of 200 abortions) succeed abortion is not, and the pregnancy continues. If the abortion has been unsuccessful, must pregnancy interrupted by curettage. Bleeding in itself is not a proof that the abortion is complete. It is therefore very important that you arrive at the agreed control, where the abortion took place.

Some places passes the re-measurement of the pregnancy hormone in a blood sample elsewhere made an ultrasound scan. 2 weeks. They will talk about the progress of the abortion and the doctor will possibly. perform a gynecological examination.

Side effects

It is normal to get side effects from the procedure. Most women who choose medical abortion, will select the same again if they were to have another abortion. The most common genes are abundant bleeding and abdominal pain. Some may experience nausea and fatigue. The risk of infection is low, and probably less than in a surgical abortion.

The abortion is associated with bleeding, but usually blood loss rings. Some may bleed so much that they must have a require surgical curettage. In other cases there may be småblødning for several weeks after the abortion.

The longer you are pregnant, the more bleeding and pain can be. The risk that the abortion is not complete or even is unsuccessful, also depends on the length of pregnancy.

In very rare cases, and especially if you are far along, there may be so excessive bleeding associated with the abortion that should call for help. Therefore, you must always have an adult with you if made at home abortion.

An uncomplicated abortion does not affect the ability to get pregnant later or to carry a pregnancy.

What to choose medical or surgical abortion?

What abortion method is best for the individual woman depends on her living situation and her psyche.

Most women who have a medical abortion, will select the same method if they again had to have an abortion – but the same goes for women who have had a surgical abortion.

Advantages of medical abortion:

  • You can begin earlier with the abortion because the wait is often shorter
  • You can get home abortion and should not meet so many times in the hospital
  • You avoid in most cases for hospitalization, anesthesia and surgery

Disadvantages of medical abortion:

  • Can most places only be made in the very early pregnancy
  • There may be more pain than surgical abortion and you may bleed more and for a long time
  • It’s about. 5% risk that you still need to have a surgical curettage
  • At one of 200 successful abortion not

Advantages of surgical abortion:

  • The abortion is over, while you sleep, you will not feel it abortion
  • You can perform it until the 12th week of pregnancy
  • The abortion succeed almost always
  • There is less pain than with medical abortion
  • You can get a spiral posted in connection with the procedure

Disadvantages of surgical abortion:

  • It is a surgical procedure under general anesthesia, and there is a risk of surgical complications
  • There is a greater risk of infection after a surgical operation than after a medical abortion
  • Very early in pregnancy is less secure than the medical abortion
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