First Aid For Broken Arms

Facts About Broken Arm First Aid

  • Fall can result in arm injury with fractures or joints
  • You will then typically have severe pain and malfunction in your arm
  • But there are also many other situations where pain and swelling are not so pronounced and where there is nevertheless a minor fracture
  • It is therefore important to be examined by a doctor if the genes do not survive after a shorter period


  • A fracture may occur anywhere along the upper arm or forearm and may hit the elbow or wrist

Typical symptoms and signs

  • Pain and soreness that does not progress quickly
  • Resistance to moving the injured arm
  • Errors, swelling and blood eruption

When should a doctor be contacted immediately?

If you suspect fractures, and especially when the joints are wrong.

When should you go to your own doctor the next day?

If the pain is transient, and swelling and discoloration are limited.

What can you do yourself?

Keep your arm at rest and hold your arm high.

First aid

  • Shock your arm
    • If possible, carefully bend the injured arm at the elbow so that the arm can be placed across the body
    • Ask the injured to support the elbow with the fast arm
    • Place a soft piece of clothing, for example. a twisted towel, between the bride and the body
    • If the injured is unable to bend the arm, do not force and force it. Please do not bother to lie down. Place some clothes around the damaged elbow
  • Put your arm in a sling
    • Put your arm in an arm loop
    • For extra support, the injured arm is attached to the body with a broad bandage. Avoid placing the dressing tightly over the actual breach
  • Get the injured person to a hospital
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