
Facts About Bartholinitis

  • All women have two Bartholin’s glands on each side of the vaginal opening
  • The glands produce a liquid which moistens the labia
  • Clogged Bartholin’s glands gather the liquid into a cyst
  • If there is inflammation of the cyst, these are bartholinitis
  • Bartholinitis is characterized by swelling, redness and pain
  • The treatment is a minor surgical procedure in which the cyst is opened and ensuring drainage

What is a bartholinitis?

On each side of the vaginal entrance is a gland just below the mucosal surface. These glands are called Bartholin glands. The glands produce a clear slimy fluid that lubricates the vaginal opening during intercourse.

The glands sitting in the back of the large labia. The glands have an export time, which opens at the rear of the vagina. Normally you can not feel the glands.

If the duct from a Bartholin’s gland becomes clogged, the gland fluid will accumulate and form a cyst – a Bartholin cyst.

If there is inflammation of a Bartholin gland, the condition is called a bartholinitis. Bartholin cysts tend to come back if they are not operated.

How common is a bartholinitis?

2% of all women develop Bartholincyster or bartholinitis during life.

What causes one bartholinitis?

A bartholinitis is because the bacteria have come into the gland, and the development of an inflammation. Normally, the outlet of the gland to be open so that the bacteria being flushed out along with the normal mucus. However, if the gland export time is shut off, so that the liquid and pus builds up in glands or the duct, so forming a bulging of the gland – a cyst. If the cyst becomes inflamed, developed an abscess.

It is not known why glandular ducts clog in some women and not in others. The bacteria may be derived from both the sheath and intestine. In some cases it is chlamydia , which is the cause. Previously, gonorrhea, a frequent cause. Bartholin’s Cyst and bartholinitis seen especially in women aged between 20 and 30 years.

Common symptoms of a Bartholin’s Cyst?

A Bartholin’s cyst feels like a plum large soft elastic knot at the rear of one of the labia near the vaginal entrance. It is usually easy to notice if you examine yourself. The cyst can be annoying when you’re sitting or associated with intercourse, but does not pain.

Common symptoms of bartholinitis?

If there is inflammation of one of the glands, there will be pain and tenderness similar to the inflamed gland. There may also be fever, and you can feel småsyg.

Sometimes there may be swollen lymph nodes in the groin, which feels like small lumps in the groin or on the inside of the thigh on the same side as the inflamed gland. The swollen lymph nodes are signs that the body’s immune system works hard to fight the disease.

In the most severe cases the swelling may be so large and painful that the woman may have trouble walking or sitting.

What symptoms should you pay particular attention to?

A swelling at one side of the vaginal entrance, which is painful and red.

How is it diagnosed?

The diagnosis is made when the doctor sees the brand change.

What treatment is there?

A Bartholin cyst that does not cause symptoms are not treated.

Bartholinitis can be treated by a minor surgical procedure that opens the cyst, then the liquid and pus is drained and subsequently secured drain. The procedure is called marsupiliasation. This is a relatively simple procedure that can be performed by a gynecologist or the hospital.

The engagement can take place under local anesthesia or general anesthesia. 5-15% will find that the inflammation flares up again.

Cyst can also be opened, and the creation of a small balloon (Word catheter) loaded in the local anesthetic to be held for 4 weeks and ensure healing.

If a woman is afflicted with multiple infections in the same gland, she can have an operation which permanently prevents relapse by removing the gland.

Exceptionally, antibiotic treatment may be required by extensive inflammation.

How is long-term prospects?

5-15% of women who have had a bartholinitis will get it again.

How do I avoid or aggravate an bartholinitis?

There are no explanations of why some women get hit by bartholinitis. There are no preventive measures.

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