Ankle lesions are caused by distortions across the ankle joint, where the ledcapion with ligaments is stretched
Ankle injuries are a frequent sports injury
The symptoms are pain, swelling in the area and the trouble once
It may be important to assess whether ankle is broken. If necessary, the ankle joint should be x-ray photographed
If the ankle is twisted, cool it down, hold it high, and wear a brace for the ankle
An ankle sprain is due to the fact that ligaments that bend into the joints are overlaid or overloaded
Such damage is usually very painful. Symptoms can easily be interpreted as indicating a fracture of the ankle
An ankle sprain occurs when tearing in muscles and tendons by suddenly wrong movement or severe contraction. Both of these injury mechanisms occur quite frequently in sports
Typical symptoms and signs
Pain and tenderness
Inability to move the ankle or to stand on the injured leg
Increased blood exudation
What can I do
Consider whether further investigation is needed and possibly. if there is a need for X-ray examination to ensure there is no fracture.
Contact your doctor
A slight sprain requires only a brace. There will only be limited swelling that develops gradually. One will be able to stand and walk on the foot.
Contact a doctor immediately
If you suspect bone fracture, you should contact emergency room / emergency room
The symptoms of fractures are malformation of the joints, bones, severe swelling with bluish discoloration, pronounced pain or failure on the foot.
First Aid For Ankle Injuries
Cooling of the ankle
Get the injured person to lie down. Lift the leg so that the ankle is held above the body level
Support the ankle in a comfortable position, for example. on a knee
If the damage has just occurred, cool the ankle by placing a cold compress / ice bag for 10 minutes. Then check the damage again
Apply cold compresses at 10-minute intervals for up to 30 minutes if necessary
Bandage around the ankle
If possible, place a cotton compression against the ankle and squeeze moderately. If you do not have access to a compression, it is nice to put a strap on directly
Secure the compressor with a circular support tie, which is tightened appropriately. The toes must not be hidden in the dressing. The toes must be free so you can observe color and feel
Check the circulation of the toes every 10 minutes
Pupil (raise) the leg
The injured leg is kept high to reduce blood flow, resulting in less blood withdrawal
If the injury is considered to be limited, the injured person should take it easy and rest the leg