Genital Warts (Condyloma)

Facts About Genital Warts Genital warts (condyloma) is a sexsygdom, caused by human papilloma virus (HPV) 70-80% of sexually active people will eventually be infected with HPV It is infection with HPV, even if you have no genital warts Condoms prevent to some extent genital warts (where condom covers) HPV vaccination protects against the development of genital warts and the best: if administered before sexual debut or at a low number of lifetime sexual partners The vaccine is not included in the childhood immunization program Treatment of genital warts is often long-lasting and are divided into: home care (creams that inhibit the growth of wart) clinic-based treatments (eg, freezing and laser) What is genital warts (warts)? Genital warts are pedunculated or […]

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