Vulvar and Vaginal Hygiene

Facts About Vaginal Hygiene Improper hygiene in and around the vagina can cause a variety of symptoms and genes, eg vaginal discharge, odor, pain and / or itching, urinary discomfort, irritation bottom, recurrent fungal infections The vagina is a normal flora of bacteria which form lactic acid and ensures the proper acidity, that inhibit other bacteria to grow in Genes from the vagina comes when there is an imbalance of bacteria in the vagina. For example, excessive washing or irritants Avoid soap and washcloths in the vagina (all types), synthetic panties, intimate spray / deodorant and limit the use of tampons and panty If you still have problems, try to avoid using suppositories with lactic every night for 14 days […]

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What Happens at Fertilization?

Facts About Fertilization Fertile women usually ovulate once a month, midway between two menstrual periods By intercourse during this period the egg could be fertilized by sperm from a man Fertilization occurs most often in the fallopian tube, and the egg will After a few more days transportation become lodged in the uterine lining Reproduction All living things reproduce for the species should not to become extinct. Reproduction is a term for the process by which organisms, including humans, are creating new organisms like themselves. It is one of the fundamental characteristics that define life. What is fertilization? Fertilization in humans involves a sperm sperm from the man penetrates an egg from the woman. In most cases fertilization occurs as […]

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Sexual Pain Disorders in Women

Facts About Painful Interourse There are two main types of sexual pain disorders in females painful intercourse (dyspareunia) and vaginismus Painful intercourse (dyspareunia) is the persistent or recurrent pain on effort or obtained penetration (penetration) of the penis in the vagina (vaginal) Vaginismus is persistent difficulty with vaginal penetration despite her expressed desire for sex Painful intercourse occurs in various studies in 2-20% of the population. Among postmenopausal women, the figures 9-21%. Vaginismus is reported to occur in 0.5-1% of the population There are many causes and treatment directed towards these. There are good long-term effect of treatment intervention What is sexual pain conditions in women? There are two main types of sexual pain disorders in women: Painful intercourse (dyspareunia) […]

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Gynaecological Examinations

Facts About Gynaecological Examinations Gynecology is the study of diseases of the female genitalia. It is a medical specialty, which includes signs of disease and diseases of the ovaries, fallopian tubes, uterus, cervix, vagina and area surrounding the vaginal opening Clearing possible disease of the female genital organs consist of a medical history, a gynecological examination and an ultrasound scan of the abdomen if necessary. Additional studies What gynaecology? Gynecology is the study of diseases of the female genitalia. It is a medical specialty, which includes signs of disease and diseases of the ovaries, fallopian tubes, uterus, cervix, vagina and the area surrounding the vaginal opening. Diseases can be inflammations, tumors, bleeding disorders, urinary leakage and infertility. Obstetrics, the doctrine […]

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Uterine Prolapse Causes

Facts About Uterine Prolapse Causes Uterine prolapse or prolapse of the genitals caused by a weakening of the pelvic muscles and joints It occurs in approximately 50% of women over 40, but only about 6% have symptoms Typical causes are births (big kids, twins), heavy physical labor, constipation, heredity, obesity and COPD disease Typical symptoms include heaviness, urinary / bowel problems, ulcers, if the drop is outside the vaginal opening The uterus is normally held in place in the basin using different muscles, tissues and ligaments. If these muscles and tissues become weakened, may develop one descent of the uterus. This can happen after childbirth or after a difficult birth. The tissue becomes weaker – also with age – and […]

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Uterine Prolapse Treatment

Facts About Uterine Prolapse Treatment Uterine prolapse or prolapse of the genitals caused by a weakening of the pelvic muscles and joints There is seen in about 50% of women over 40, but only about 6% have symptoms Typical causes are births (big kids, twins), heavy physical labor, constipation, heredity, obesity and COPD disease Typical symptoms include heaviness, urinary / bowel problems – if the drop is outside the vaginal opening Treatment depends on how weak the supporting tissue (pelvic muscles and joints) around the uterus has become. Young women who have had uterine prolapse after giving birth, you will generally not be able to obtain for surgery until after at least one year after birth. Most of these cases […]

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Uterus Prolapse Diagnosis

Facts About Uterine Prolapse Uterine prolapse or prolapse of the genitals caused by a weakening of the pelvic muscles and ligaments There is seen in about 50% of women over 40 years, but only about 6% have symptoms Typical causes are births (big kids, twins), heavy physical labor, constipation, heredity, obesity and COPD Typical symptoms are heaviness and urination / defecation problems. If the drop is outside the vaginal opening may cause wounds The diagnosis of uterine prolapse is based on medical history and findings at the gynecological examination.Other studies may contribute to a picture of the condition. Medical history For minor changes, there are few or no symptoms. The more prolapse uterus, the greater are the genes. The most […]

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Vaginismus (also known as vaginal penetration disorder) is the difficulty of performing intercourse, due to the contraction involuntary of the muscles of the lower third of the vaginal. It is an uncommon condition and women who suffer from vaginismus can enjoy sexual play and achieve orgasm since this dysfunction is not related to sexual response. Most of the causes of vaginismus are psychic. Lack of sexual information or lack of communication, leading to fear or fear; traumatic experiences, fear of pregnancy, fear of contracting sexually transmitted diseases, painful experiences in visiting the gynecologist, sexual abuse, etc. The primary muscle group involved is the pubococcygeus, or the PC muscle group. Vaginal spasms interfere with sexual intercourse leading to a broad range […]

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Bacterial Vaginosis

Facts About Bacterial Vaginosis Bacterial vaginosis is characterized by troublesome discharge, which is whitish / grayish with fish smell nuisance, which is amplified after intercourse Due to the propagation of bacteria normally found only in limited quantities in the vagina Frequently occurring – ca. 1/3 of all women will experience bacterial vaginosis at least once Is not a sexually transmitted disease, but more often through sexual activity and reduced after six months with the same partner condom protects Bacterial vaginosis can be treated medically, but there is great risk that it will recur What is bacterial vaginosis? Vaginalceller covered with bacteria, Source: US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Bacterial vaginosis is characterized by irritating vaginal discharge. Discharge is whitish / gray, thin […]

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