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What You Need to Know About Bulimia Nervosa

Are you or someone you care about dealing with the effects of bulimia? Investigate the signs, red flags, and possible courses of treatment. What is Bulimia? A significant number of us medicate our feelings of isolation, boredom, and stress with food. If, on the other hand, you suffer from the eating disorder bulimia nervosa, your tendency to binge eat is more like an obsession. Bulimia is distinguished by recurrent bouts of binge eating, which are then followed by extreme measures to control one’s weight, such as forcing oneself to throw up, using a medication, or engaging in excessive physical activity. This downward spiral of purging and bingeing can hurt your physical health as well as your mental and emotional well-being. […]

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How Do I Stop Using Substances? 

Drug Abuse is a Commonly Accomplished Goal for Many People in Their Day-to-day Lives It doesn’t matter if we started using drugs in a social setting with our friends on the weekends or whether we did it in secret to help us deal with the pressures and stresses of everyday life: sometimes, things progress from there, and we find that we are addicted to drugs and incapable of stopping.  The disease of addiction is so cunning that it can completely devour us before we recognize that we are in over our heads and that we are unable to quit using drugs on our own. Addiction is such a sneaky condition. Even with the support of our families and the professionals […]

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It’s In Best Interest for Society to Assist Male Victims of Domestic Violence

The United Nations organizes a campaign called the 16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence every year at the beginning of December. The problem can affect people of any sex, gender, or gender identity, so everyone should be concerned about it.  The absence of men who have been victims of violence as well as attempts to prevent violence against men and boys is striking in the context of the discussion regarding gender-based violence. Even though there is abundant evidence that men have been the victims of violent crime in Canada, the United States, and other countries, there are almost no services available to men.  Men as Victims of Violence Committed by Intimate Partners Men have a disproportionately high rate of […]

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What Caused Tuberculosis to Regain Its Position as Africa’s Leading Cause of Death? 

Since the beginning of the 20th century, there has been a reliable treatment for tuberculosis (TB). However, tuberculosis continues to be the leading cause of death attributable to a single infectious agent. It ranks higher than HIV and AIDS, as well as other diseases. This is due, in part, to the impact that HIV co-infection has on tuberculosis patients in regions such as Africa, as well as the emergency of MDR-XDR TB. It is of continuing concern that there is a lack of gender mainstreaming as well as a reduction in stigma, which is demonstrated by insistently lower cases reported among women than among men. In the past two years, COVID-19 has overtaken TB as a leading cause of death. […]

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Chiropractic Care

Chiropractic care is an alternative form of treatment in which the practitioner, through manipulation therapy, attempts to restore the movement of a joint or resolve painful abnormalities that most frequently stem from spinal distortions. The manipulation of these spinal abnormalities and their impact on the nervous systems, is intended to improve a range of conditions that cause pain being experienced in different parts of the body. This form of manipulation therapy has been around since ancient times, but chiropractic practices were officially founded in 1897 by Dr Daniel David Palmer. Palmer believed at the time believed that diabetes was caused by the nerve pathways of the vertebrae. An assumption that later turned out to be wrong. Modern chiropractors consider chiropractic […]

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First Aid For Knee Injuries

Facts About Knee Injuries Knee injuries are frequent in sports, but can also occur as a result of everyday events such as cycling Symptoms are strong pain, swelling and difficulty moving the knee joint Bony fracture, ligament tearing and locked knee meniscus calls require emergency treatment The knee must be spared during transport to hospital: The knee is supported and cool compresses or ice bags Background A number of different injuries may occur in a knee joint. It can be difficult to determine if a person has a break in the knee shell or broken cartilage or ligaments If in doubt, treat the damage as described below Typical symptoms and signs Strong pain swelling Anxiety in moving the knee joint […]

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How to Help Someone With Borderline Personality Disorder

It is a challenge to deal with someone who has borderline personality disorder. They respond aggressively in situations that others would be able to handle quietly. Your feelings of anger and hurt can interfere with your desire to help, especially if you protect small. Follow these steps to support your loved one. Instructions • Educate yourself about the borderline personality is. Understand his anger is not about you. BPD Central is a reputable Internet site that has information and links about the disorder (See Resources below). • Practice empathy with your partner. Imagine what she feels when she misbehaves. Understand her anxiety and fear. • Should the patient at all times. When his opinion of you swing from good to […]

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How to Help Someone With Alcohol Abuse Problems

An alcohol abuser drinks too much, but may not be physically dependent to alcohol. You might know someone suffering from alcohol abuse and feel powerless to help him. There is no simple solution that will fix everything. You should make your best effort to help them by seeing advice from alcohol addiction experts however you have to also realise that in the end, the must want to help too for treatment to be most effective. Instructions • Make the abuser accountable for its actions. Stop making excuses. Do not cover up for him. Do not lie to other people to explain his actions after a heavy drinking episode. Tell the truth, he is abusing alcohol. • Talk with alcohol abuse. […]

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How to Help The Skin Regenerate From a Burn

Cause burns to the skin damaged cells and tissues that present a risk of scarring. The key to healing one burn properly and to prevent lasting scars is to help the skin regenerate new skin cells, which will gradually replace the damaged, abnormal cells in the affected area. With proper care, the skin can heal with healthy cells, which completely replaces them in the injured area, without any infection or scarring. Follow these steps for proper healing and healthy skin regeneration. Instructions The skin regeneration after a burn Gently soak and clean the area burn. Soak burn in cold water for 5-10 minutes. Clean the area gently (do not scrub) with a very mild soap like Cetaphil, using fingertips or a […]

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