Medical Abortion and Abortion Pills

Facts About Medical Abortions Act on abortion gives women over 18 years of residence the right to decide whether to interrupt the pregnancy before the end of the 12th week In 2013 62% of abortions medical and surgical 38% The woman has the right to information about support if she conducts pregnancy, and she has the right to support conversations before and after surgery What is medical abortion? Terminating a pregnancy, abortion can be done medically or surgically. In the medical abortion used is a composition (mifepristone), which stops pregnancy development and contribute to the uterus expels the fertilized egg. In combination with a second composition (misoprostol), which enables the contraction of the uterus, this is now the standard method of […]

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Facts About Abortion Act on abortion gives women over 18 years of residence in South Africa the right to decide whether to interrupt the pregnancy before the end of the 12th week In 2013 62% of abortions medical and surgical 38% The woman has the right to information about support if she conducts pregnancy and the right to support conversations before and after surgery For women who live permanently in South Africa, is surgery free. Unmarried women under 18 must have the consent of the parents or guardian, it can seek consultation for exemption from this. A form to request for abortion completed by their doctor or a specialist in gynecology and surgery are performed in the hospital or by a […]

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Facts About Curettage At a curettage removes some of the uterine lining. This may be after an abortion or delivery, wherein the uterus has not emptied completely. You can also make a D & C to investigate the uterus or cervix cell changes. It is a small procedure that can be done under general anesthesia or local anesthesia What curettage? The uterus is the size of a fist and has a thick wall, which mostly consists of muscles. Inside the uterus, there is a cavity that is lined with a mucous membrane. During menstruation loosens mucous membrane and runs out together with the blood. Until next ovulation built mucosa up again. If you become pregnant, put the egg stuck in […]

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Bacterial Vaginosis

Facts About Bacterial Vaginosis Bacterial vaginosis is characterized by troublesome discharge, which is whitish / grayish with fish smell nuisance, which is amplified after intercourse Due to the propagation of bacteria normally found only in limited quantities in the vagina Frequently occurring – ca. 1/3 of all women will experience bacterial vaginosis at least once Is not a sexually transmitted disease, but more often through sexual activity and reduced after six months with the same partner condom protects Bacterial vaginosis can be treated medically, but there is great risk that it will recur What is bacterial vaginosis? Vaginalceller covered with bacteria, Source: US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Bacterial vaginosis is characterized by irritating vaginal discharge. Discharge is whitish / gray, thin […]

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Clinical Information on Acute Pelvic Inflammatory Disease

Definition of Acute Pelvic Inflammatory Disease An ascending infection of the cervix, which results in one or more of the following conditions endometritis, salpingitis, parametritis, ooforitis, tuboovariel abscess and / or peritonitis in the small pelvis The acronym PID – pelvic inflammatory disease – often used occurrence incidence A frequent diagnosis, but there is no South African estimates of incidence The incidence of hospitalizations in the diagnosis of PID are several 1,000 per year, but has declined in the past 10-20 years In Norway, the incidence in the age group 15-44 year old for 10 to 20 per 100,000 (0.1-0.2%) Age The most frequent among young, sexually active women with multiple partners Etiology and pathogenesis In most cases the disease is […]

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Pelvic Pain

Facts About Pelvic Pain Abdominal pain divided into acute or chronic and frequently cause medical contact Common causes of acute abdominal pain is urinary tract infection, spontaneous abortions, ruptured ovarian cyst, pelvic inflammatory disease, inflammation of pouches on the colon, ectopic pregnancy, fibroids, kidney stones Chronic pelvic pain are often caused by muscle tension in the abdomen, endometriosis, sexual assault, spiral use, long-term chronic infections (chlamydia). May be due to cancer Treatment is directed toward triggering cause What is pelvic pain? With abdominal pain is meant pain in the lower abdomen or the sex organs in women ( drawing of the abdomen ) Pelvic pain may originate from the genital tract, but can also come from the urinary bladder, the ureter […]

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