Cervical Cancer and HPV

Facts Cervical Cancer and HPV Cervical cancer is deleted from the lower part of the uterus and is due to infection with HPV virus Treatment for cervical cancer are surgery or radiation therapy in more advanced cases Cervical cancer can be prevented by HPV vaccination, forming part of the national vaccination programme Precursors to cervical cancer (cell change) is detected by a cell sample from the cervix (smear examination) Treatment of precursors reduces the risk of developing cancer What is cervical cancer? Cervical cancer is a malignant tumor originating from the cervix. The cervix is ​​called the uterine cervix in technical language, and the lower part of the uterus, which connects the vagina with the uterus. The bottom of the cervix […]

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Nipple Secretion

Facts About Nipple Secretions The fluid from the breast is normal during pregnancy and in the period after a breastfeeding. Fluid from the breasts of newborn children is also quite normal If you are not pregnant or breastfeeding recently, the liquid from the breasts be a harmless phenomenon, which can be a side effect of certain medications In rare cases caused by fluid from the breast disorders in the brain or the metabolism Cancer of the breast can cause fluid from one nipple, often bloody What fluid (secretion) from the nipples? With liquid from the breast (s) is meant the fluid delivery from one or both nipples in women who do not breast feed The secretion may be continuous or episodic, […]

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Breast Pain

Facts About Breast Pain Breast pain often have relationship with the menstrual cycle and due to hormone exposure of breast tissue Breast pain associated with amninger is very common, but signs of infection should contact a doctor When breast pain that is not related to lactation or menstruation cycle, one finds rarely a cause. The pain usually goes by itself within months What is breast pain? Breast pain is relatively frequent. Occurs especially in the age group between 30 and 50 years. The symptom often causes anxiety for cancer Studies have shown that cancer only exceptionally lead to breast pain. Fewer than 1 in 200 women with breast pain have cancer Tips for diagnosis Pain, which tend to fluctuate with the […]

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Breast Cancer Treatment

Facts About Breast Cancer Treatment Treatment of breast cancer consists primarily of operation Following surgery, radiotherapy, chemotherapy and / or hormone ablation be topical Recurrence of breast cancer gives you primarily anti-hormone therapy or chemotherapy General information on the treatment of breast cancer There are many factors that come into play when choosing treatment. It is important that you participate in the decisions and decide what information you want. The treatment will be decided by a team of doctors consisting of surgeons, oncologists (doctor specializing in chemotherapy and radiotherapy), radiologists and pathologists (physician specializing in tissue samples). Treatment depends on the type of cancer that is about the size of the knot over your breasts, the severity tumor has (stage), it […]

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Breast Cancer Identification

Facts About Breast Cancer Identification On suspicion of breast cancer doctor examines chest with his fingers, ordering an X-ray and possibly an ultrasound If the doctor in these studies find a tumor to make a biopsy (Pap smear) from the tumor to diagnose cancer Generally Clearing of breast cancer are often started because you have felt a lump or change in the breast. Breast cancer is also sometimes by routine examinations of the chest. There are several ways to test for suspected breast cancer, but they usually go through a program called “triple diagnosis”. This means that doctors are looking for the tumor in three different ways, usually by feeling the breast (palpation), X-ray (mammogram) and ultrasound. To do this normally, […]

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Breast Cancer Causes

Facts About Breast Cancer Causes Causes of breast cancer to be found in lifestyle, environment and heredity First of all breast cancer occurs more frequently, the older you get, because the risk of cell damage increases with age General conditions Gender and age are the major causes of breast cancer. It is almost exclusively women who get breast cancer, only 1% of breast cancer patients are men. Breast cancer can occur at any age, but the disease is more frequent in older you get. The risk of developing breast cancer over a lifetime is 10%. This means that one in 10 women get breast cancer at some time during their lives. 80-90% of all cases of breast cancer occurs in the […]

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Breast Cancer

Facts About Breast Cancer Breast cancer is malignant tumors that occur in the breasts Symptoms are usually a uøm knot, you can feel in your chest Treatment is primarily surgery, which removes the tumor and sometimes the entire breast. After surgery, it may be necessary with radiation, chemotherapy or hormone therapy and sometimes all three parts What is breast cancer? Breast cancer is a malignant tumor that occurs in the chest. There are several types, but most are deleted from the glandular tissue. Breast cancer is the most common cancer in women in the Western world. Each year approximately 4000 women in South Africa diagnosis. The risk of getting breast cancer during a lifetime is about 10% of women. The incidence […]

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Breast Cancer Symptoms and Signs

Facts The first symptom of breast cancer is often a node that has not been there before. There can also be felt or seen other changes in the breast, nipple or skin of the breast that may be signs of cancer If you notice changes in the breast, it is important that you get it checked by a doctor Symptoms and signs that may indicate breast cancer You can not mark breast cancer at the earliest stages. The first symptom of breast cancer is usually a lump in the breast, either a knot you can mark or a node is discovered by a screening breast examination. Other symptoms may be that the breast or skin of the breast changes its […]

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Absence of Menstruation (Amenorrhoea)

Lack of menstruation Facts A girl should have been menstruation when she is 16 years old A girl’s puberty (breast enlargement, hair growth in the groin, increased height growth) should be taken off when she turns 13 years If your period does not come, the cause may be late puberty, eating disorders, excessive exercise or pregnancy Rare reasons, for example high, inborn genetic error, etc. Treatment depends on the cause What is absent menstruation? When menstruation does not come, it is called amenorrhea. Primary amenorrhea is when a woman has never had menstrual periods. Secondary amenorrhea is when menstruation keeps up, after previously bleeding Primary amenorrhea found when a girl of 13 years never had a period, nor has come […]

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