A foreign body under the skin is any object that comes from the outside and penetrates or sits in the skin
If possible, try to remove it with tweezers or similar
Otherwise, seek medical advice to get it removed and assess if there is a need for tetanus shot
A foreign body such as a wooden block, a glass cut or a metal piece that penetrates the skin is rarely clean and can cause infection
If a splint / chips stick out of the skin, remove it with tweezers or flat pliers
If the end of the splint / tile is not visible, seek medical attention as it is easy to push the splint even deeper into the skin if you try for yourself
First aid
Use a tweezers to remove wood pieces or fiberglass, small glass cuts or other foreign matter that protrudes from the skin.
Thoroughly clean the area with running water, any soap and water. Finish with disinfectant or alcohol
Large deep-seated foreign body:
Larger or deep-sea foreign matter should not be removed. It may be that they wound up the wound again and that removing it can trigger a severe bleeding
Bandages around the object, but do not press against the object if it protrudes. Bandages over the object. If it does not stick out, do not push it against it
Smaller or superficially located foreign body:
Thoroughly clean the area with soap and water
Sterilize a needle by holding it in a flame for a few seconds
Open the skin over the foreign body with the needle. Use tweezers to remove the foreign body
If the foreign body does not come out easily, seek medical attention
Tetanus Injection?
If the injured person has not received tetanus vaccine or has not received tetanus vaccination during the last 10 years, vaccination is required.
Related to First Aid For Foreign Objects Under The Skin