Clinical Information on Acute Pelvic Inflammatory Disease
Definition of Acute Pelvic Inflammatory Disease
An ascending infection of the cervix, which results in one or more of the following conditions endometritis, salpingitis, parametritis, ooforitis, tuboovariel abscess and / or peritonitis in the small pelvis
The acronym PID – pelvic inflammatory disease – often used
A frequent diagnosis, but there is no South African estimates of incidence
The incidence of hospitalizations in the diagnosis of PID are several 1,000 per year, but has declined in the past 10-20 years
In Norway, the incidence in the age group 15-44 year old for 10 to 20 per 100,000 (0.1-0.2%)
The most frequent among young, sexually active women with multiple partners
Etiology and pathogenesis
In most cases the disease is caused by one ascending infection, but PID can occur by hematogenous spread
Often sexually transmitted, particularly among young
There are regional and national differences in the frequency of various pathogens
Most cases in South Africa caused by infection with Chlamydia trachomatis (see chlamydia infection ) recorded 30,000 chlamydia positive in South Africa each year, but there are no figures for how many leads to clinical symptoms
Mixing Infections with multiple microorganisms are common, eg: Gardner ella vaginalis, Mycoplasma, Haemophilus influenza, ß-hemolytic streptococci, staphylococci and e-coli
In particular, in complicated cases, there is often anaerobic gram-negative bacteria
Pelvic infection Gonococcal has been increasing since the 90s and are found around 3000 cases annually. The majority among men who have sex with men, almost 1/5 of these are women. There has since 2007 seen an increase in cases among heterosexual young
Predisposing factors
Factors related to sexual function: 1 , 2
Young age – most common among 15-25 year olds
New (e) many and partner (s) with symptoms
Past sexually transmitted disease in a patient or partner
Use of contraceptive barrier methods provide some protection
Instrumentation of the uterus
Setting up the spiral increasing the risk the first months
Curettage and hysterosalpingography
In vitro fertilization and intra-uterine insemination
Abortion procedure, both medical and surgical
Postpartum (see puerperal fever / postpartum endometritis)
X71 Gonorrhea in woman
X74 Pelvic inflammatory disease
X92 Chlamydia infection of the genital tract in women
N70 inflammation of the fallopian tube and ovary
N700 Acute salpingitis electricity ooforitis
N709 Salpingitis electricity ooforitis UNS
N71 Inflammation of the uterus, except cervix
N710 Acute endometritis
N719 endometritis UNS
N72 Inflammation of the cervix
N73 Other forms of pelvic inflammatory disease
N730 Acute parametritis electricity cellulitis in the female pelvis
N732 parametritis electricity cellulitis in the female pelvis UNS
N733 Acute female pelveoperitonitis
N735 Female pelveoperitonitis UNS
N738 Other infection of the female pelvis
N739 infection in the female pelvis UNS
N74 Pelvic inflammatory disease V KA
N743 gonorrhoeal pelvic inflammatory disease
N744 Pelvic inflammatory disease fa chlamydia
N748 Wom. pelveoperitonitis v Diseases. KA
O045 Prov. Abortion before 12 weeks cycle, complete / unspecified, m underlivsinf
O071 Attempts to legalize abortion compl. m late el exc. bleeding
O86 Other infections partum
O85 Maternal Fever
diagnostic criteria
Pelvic inflammatory disease can cause symptoms, but can also be asymptomatic
The diagnosis is based on symptoms and objective findings
Both the sensitivity and specificity of the klinisike / paraklinisike diagnosis is limited
The following symptoms suggesting pelvic infection:
Soreness in the lower part of the abdomen, often bilaterally
Direct tenderness of the uterus and adnexer by vaginal exploration
Dislokationsømhed uterine cervix by moving the
In addition, at least one of the following criteria must be met:
Temperature of> 38 ° C
Elevated C-reactive protein (CRP) and / or leukocytosis (> 10,000)
Purulent flour from the cervix
Positive growth response
It is not possible at the clinical study to assess the bodies involved in the infection
In women at high risk of pelvic infection, recommended some to begin treatment on symptoms alone
If women repeatedly suspected of PID without accompanying bacteriological or para clinical findings, one should consider whether there may be other causes of symptoms such as myalgia of ileopsoas and pelvic floor
ectopic pregnancy
Spontaneous abortion
acute pyelonephritis
Ovarian cysts – with torkvering, bleeding or rupture
acute gastroenteritis
Diverticulitis of colon – spec. elderly
Medical history
The symptoms vary in intensity, particularly gives chlamydia infection often modest to moderate symptoms, while gonorrhea can give significant pain
typical symptoms
Pain in the lower abdomen, often bilaterally if necessary. radiating into the lumbar
Pain that worsens with movement
Dyspareunia – especially newcomer 3
purulent discharge
Bleeding disorders, both contact hemorrhage, and heavy menstrual bleeding intermenstruelle
Possibly. chills and fever
Accompanying pain in the upper right quadrant of the abdomen may indicate perihepatit
clinical findings
The clinical findings may be more or less convincing, especially providing chlamydia infection often modest or moderate findings
typical findings
Almost always injected with cervicitis and edematous portio
Strikingly palpation tenderness in adnexae, and the uterus is palpations- and rokkeøm
Filling and infiltrates in adnekser can be seen later in the process
additional studies
infection counts:
CRP is the best indicator, values> 50 are typically, but CRP be normal in mild cases
In the acute phase is often leukocytosis
CRP normalized later than leukocytosen and clinical symptoms
HCG test to exclude pregnancy
Grafting from the cervix and urethra and cultivation of chlamydia and possible. gonorrhea
other studies
at the hospital
transvaginal ultrasound
Typical manifestations of acute pelvic inflammatory disease is the thickening of the tubal wall to> 5 mm, dilated incomplete septae in the fallopian tubes (cog drawing) and fluid in the fossa Dougalssi and possible. pyosalpinges
Abscesses may involve both ovaries and salpinges
CT or MRI?
In some cases, may be of differential diagnostic reasons supplemented by CT or MRI
Is in the acute phase only indicated by uncertainty about the diagnosis
Abscesindhold or biopsy for cultivation
When to refer the patient?
Mild cases can be treated in the primary sector
Hospitalization is recommended for
severe cases
Upon failure of the primary treatment
On suspicion of tuboovariel abscess
By undecided diagnosis
Pregnant and lactating
Treatment goals
clear the infection
Prevent permanent damage to the genitalia interna
Generally about the treatment
Early diagnosis and treatment is essential to prevent sequelae
For example, recommends US Food and empirical therapy in women with risk of pelvic infection if there are dislokaltionsømhed of the uterus at the gynecological examination
In severe cases, are treated with antibiotics, which are primarily intended to cover both chlamydia infection, gonococci and anaerobic bacteria
In severe cases recommended bed rest, but there is scant evidence of this in mild cases
When treatment failure after 1-2 days of hospitalization should be considered
What can the patient do?
Bed rest – as long as there is pain and fever
Sexual abstinence to the patient is completely recovered
Medical treatment
Treatment should cover
Chlamydia (e.g., tetracyclines , macrolides )
anaerobic bacteria (e.g., metronidazole )
and on suspicion of gonorrhea (eg cephalosporins , see document on gonorrhea)
There is good evidence for a regime in relation to others – but factors such as epidemiology, resistance, allergies, compliance and cost the same conjunction with the severity of symptoms to be considered
Treatment in primary health care:
Mild cases are treated orally, in severe cases, selecting a broad-spectrum intravenous treatment
Metronidazole tbl: 500 mg x 2-3 for 7 days – and one of the following
Doxycycline tbl: 100 mg x 2 for 14 days – or
Ofloxacin tbl: 400 mg x 2 for 14 days
There is some evidence that mild cases can be treated without metronidazole and metronidazole may be discontinued at rapid response to treatment
In the case of pelvic inflammatory disease secondary to instrumentation of the uterus is often anaerobic organisms, and treatment with metronidazole is always advisable in such cases
Severe infection of the small pelvis, in hospital
In severe cases, there is often more microorganisms involved and anaerobic bacteria frequently
Given an intravenous treatment with e.g.
Ampicillin 2 gx 3 IV;
Metronidazole 1.5 gx 1 day 1, then 1 gx 1 IV
Possibly. supplemented with an aminoglycoside ( gentamicin , netilmicin ortobramycin ) 1.7-2 mg / kg x 3 per day iv or im
Allergy to penicillin
Ampicillin replaced with clindamycin 600 mg x 3 IV
NB: enterococci are not sensitive to clindamycin and aminoglycosides
In case of established abscess aminoglycoside replaced by a fluoroquinolones , e.g., ciprofloxacin 400-600 mg x 2 IV
The intravenous treatment should continue for a day after clinical improvement and then replaced by oral treatment
other treatment
Sick leave until the temperature has returned to normal and the symptoms subsided
There may be a need for analgesic treatment
In moderate to severe cases, control of the treatment after 1-3 days indicated
Treatment of partner is important
Some recommend routine of partner, although special microbes were not detected
Other processing routine partner if a patient has chlamydia infection
preventive treatment
Chlamydia Screening of young women?
In South Africa the chlamydia screening of all abortion seekers before spiral warehousing in adolescents and pre vaginalinstrumentering by symptoms (vaginal discharge, spotting symptoms of pelvic inflammatory disease).
Sexually active women under 25 years can halve their risk of PID by annual chlamydia screenings.
Among women over 25, routine screening is not recommended and should be targeted; women at increased risk.
It is by infection with chlamydia or gonorrhea in the last two years, more than one sexual partner in the last 12 months, new partner the last 3 months, partner over the last 12 months who have had multiple sexual contacts over the same period 4
Course, complications and prognosis
From very mild to considerably painful and protracted cases
Spontaneous recovery occurs in many
After pelvic get about 20% damage to the fallopian tubes
The risk of tubal damage increases with the number of pelvic infections and their severity
Tuba Injury increasing the risk of infertility and ectopic pregnancy (RR up to 10 times greater)
Can often be treated by transvaginal drainage and possible. rinsing with antibiotics
May require operating decontamination. In older perhaps. with the removal of the affected adnex
Rupture of the abscess with peritonitis is the most severe complication
Can cause chronic pelvic pain
Perihepatitis and perihepatiske adhesions (Fitz-Hugh-Curtis syndrome) develops in 5-15% of pelvic inflammatory disease in particular by Chlamydia infection. Pain under right curvatur may be the dominant symptom
Women with HIV may have more pronounced symptoms, but respond well to antibiotics
It is rare that pregnant women get pelvic inflammatory disease, but if infection is both the maternal and fetal morbidity increased
By pelvic inflammatory disease of the spiral coil users should remove 5
Depends on the severity of the infection
By moderately severe to severe infection developed sterility in 6
15% after 1 infection
30% after 2 infections
60% after 3 infections
After a light pelvic infection, 10% will be sterile
After an average 20% infection
After a serious infection up to 40%
patient Information
What you should inform the patient
How to prevent recurrence
Condom, possibly. use of double contraception
Avoid “casual sex”
Chlamydia Screening by changing partners
What are the written patient information
Information about pelvic inflammatory disease
About antibiotics
pelvic inflammatory disease
The patient should be monitored for 2-3 weeks
Severe cases should be assessed after 1-3 days
What should be checked
Gynecological examination – feel for whether there still is soreness
Related to Clinical Information on Acute Pelvic Inflammatory Disease