Repeated Miscarriages

Facts About Repeated Miscarriages Recurrent miscarriage is a condition where a woman at least three times in a row lose pregnancy before the end of the 22nd week of pregnancy Age, obesity, smoking, alcohol, malformations of the uterus and autoimmune diseases are some of the factors that increase risk The studies consist of conversation, ultrasound and blood tests of the woman and chromosome study of the couple Only in about half manages to find a cause There is rarely a treatment that works The prognosis is usually good, but depends on the cause of the pregnancy loss What is recurrent spontaneous pregnancy loss? Miscarriage means that pregnancy is lost before the end of the 22nd week of pregnancy. When three or more […]

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Medical Abortion and Abortion Pills

Facts About Medical Abortions Act on abortion gives women over 18 years of residence the right to decide whether to interrupt the pregnancy before the end of the 12th week In 2013 62% of abortions medical and surgical 38% The woman has the right to information about support if she conducts pregnancy, and she has the right to support conversations before and after surgery What is medical abortion? Terminating a pregnancy, abortion can be done medically or surgically. In the medical abortion used is a composition (mifepristone), which stops pregnancy development and contribute to the uterus expels the fertilized egg. In combination with a second composition (misoprostol), which enables the contraction of the uterus, this is now the standard method of […]

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Facts About Abortion Act on abortion gives women over 18 years of residence in South Africa the right to decide whether to interrupt the pregnancy before the end of the 12th week In 2013 62% of abortions medical and surgical 38% The woman has the right to information about support if she conducts pregnancy and the right to support conversations before and after surgery For women who live permanently in South Africa, is surgery free. Unmarried women under 18 must have the consent of the parents or guardian, it can seek consultation for exemption from this. A form to request for abortion completed by their doctor or a specialist in gynecology and surgery are performed in the hospital or by a […]

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