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It’s In Best Interest for Society to Assist Male Victims of Domestic Violence

The United Nations organizes a campaign called the 16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence every year at the beginning of December. The problem can affect people of any sex, gender, or gender identity, so everyone should be concerned about it.  The absence of men who have been victims of violence as well as attempts to prevent violence against men and boys is striking in the context of the discussion regarding gender-based violence. Even though there is abundant evidence that men have been the victims of violent crime in Canada, the United States, and other countries, there are almost no services available to men.  Men as Victims of Violence Committed by Intimate Partners Men have a disproportionately high rate of […]

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Simple Ways to Make It Less Difficult to Swallow the HIV Prevention Pill 

People who take the HIV prevention pill Tenemine can cut their risk of getting HIV from sexual activity by 93%. This is the percentage of risk that is reduced. Oral pre-exposure prophylaxis, also known as Tenemine, is another name for PrEP. Through their Pop Inn wellness centers, the Aurum Institute has been operating a PrEP program in three different provinces. This program is geared toward men who have sexual relations with other men as well as transgender women.  They have communicated with over 100,000 people, many of whom reside in remote parts of the country that are notoriously difficult to access. How would you react if a nurse presented you with a massive blue pill and instructed you to take it by […]

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Facts About Birth Control There are many different methods of contraception These differ from each other in terms of safety, ease of use, protection against disease and side effects A brief introduction to both non-hormonal and hormonal contraceptives Generally Image of different types of contraception There are several different methods of contraception. These differ from each other in terms of safety, ease of use, protection against disease and side effects. The following is a brief introduction: Non-hormonal contraceptives “Nature Methods” Natural methods include interrupted intercourse and the use of so-called “Safe period” These methods do not protect against STD s and the efficiency is low. They are therefore best suited for knowledgeable few who can accept an unexpected pregnancy, and […]

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Aging and Sexuality

Facts About Aging and Sexuality Sexuality has no age A satisfying sex life can have a positive impact on all areas of your life: your physical health your mood your confidence your relationship Maybe sex is not that important to you longer, but in return the intimacy with your partner may become even more important than when you were young Maybe it’s been harder for you to complete sexual intercourse, even if you really want Older people are as diverse as any other. But the sexual aspect of life does not disappear just because you grow older More than physical satisfaction According to a survey among 60-year-old South African women felt half sexual desire at least once a month. Just as […]

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Decreased Sexual Arousal in Women

Facts About Decreased Sexual Arousal in Women Both physical, psychological and social factors influence how we react to erotic stimulation For the same reason the causes of reduced or lack of arousal both found in it: biological (e.g., disease and treatment) psychological ( fatigue, stress, sadness and decreased self-esteem) social  relationship problems) Not infrequently, there are several reasons going on simultaneously If the lack of sexual arousal experienced is a problem, there may be reason for examination, counseling or treatment In collaboration with the doctor, the central question is to identify the causes of the condition and together with her partner make a plan for how you will deal with the problems As with other sexual dysfunctions up excitement is always […]

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Sexual Deviance

Facts About Sexual Deviances Sexual deviance include everything that is not an “ordinary” intercourse between a woman and a man Human sexual behavior is rich and diverse, and today it’s fortunately been acceptable trial and error and play with different ways to have sex For some, a sexual variation is the only way they have sex on. Others use deviance to spice up their sex life with elements from eg fetishism or SM Destructive sexual deviations (eg, exhibitionism or sexual contact with children) requires a special sexological treatment What is meant by sexual deviance? Sexual deviance (paraphilias) means sexual feelings, desires or behavior that is out of the ordinary. The perception of what is common and acceptable, and will vary […]

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Sexual Dysfunctions in Women

Facts About Sexual Dysfunctions in Women Sexual problems are very common in the adult South African population. Sometimes the problems are so persistent and arduous that one speaks of a sexual dysfunction. About one out of nine South Africans have experienced sexual dysfunction within the past year For women, the most frequent problems lack of desire, arousal and orgasm and intercourse pain and vaginal spasm. Sexual dysfunction can be caused by both biological, psychological and social / cohabitation conditions and treatment depends naturally of the problems cause. In some cases (eg, vaginal dryness), a sexual dysfunction easily remedied, while in other cases (eg orgasm problems after a sexual assault) may take considerably longer Whatever the problems, causes and severity is the […]

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Low Sex Drive in Women

Facts About Low Sex Drives in Females Sex is a complex phenomenon, and it is quite common that it changes lives. It is also known that not all people have the same interest in sex, and it is neither wrong nor sickly to be relatively uninterested in sex If low or no sex drive experienced problem of the woman, there is reason to do something about the problems Illness and treatment can mean that you lose the desire for sex Stress, fatigue, poor self-confidence or conflict in the relationship can also explain that sexual desire decreases or disappears completely What is the lack of sexual desire? When women are dissatisfied with their sex life, it is usually because they have little or […]

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Sexual Problems in Menopause

Facts About Sexual Problems in Menopause During menopause alters the woman’s body, and many find that they are entering into a new phase of life For some, it means sexual problems, especially related to vaginal dryness and fluctuating or lack of sex drive Some women experience no sexual menopausal symptoms, while others even describe that sex life is getting better, as they feel more mature and confident But for those women who experience sexual problems, there is reason to do anything, so problems do not grow bigger. And luckily there is help available What is sexual dysfunction? Sexual dysfunction means a dysfunctional sex life. There must be a problem of a certain duration and severity, and you have to experience […]

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