Facts About Vaginal Hygiene Improper hygiene in and around the vagina can cause a variety of symptoms and genes, eg vaginal discharge, odor, pain and / or itching, urinary discomfort, irritation bottom, recurrent fungal infections The vagina is a normal flora of bacteria which form lactic acid and ensures the proper acidity, that inhibit other bacteria to grow in Genes from the vagina comes when there is an imbalance of bacteria in the vagina. For example, excessive washing or irritants Avoid soap and washcloths in the vagina (all types), synthetic panties, intimate spray / deodorant and limit the use of tampons and panty If you still have problems, try to avoid using suppositories with lactic every night for 14 days […]
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Conjunctivitis (Infectious Conjunctivitis)
Facts About Conjunctivitis Conjunctivitis is an inflammation of the surface of the eye, usually caused by bacteria or virus The condition is characterized by redness, irritation and the tendency to sticking to the eyes with pus In most cases, the infection by itself, but when there is suspicion that the infection caused by bacteria can be treated with antibiotic eye drops Children should only be kept home from daycare, if there is much pus formation What is conjunctivitis? Photo of man with conjunctivitis Conjunctivitis is an inflammation of the surface of the eye, usually caused by bacteria or virus What causes conjunctivitis? Conjunctivitis caused by viruses or bacteria that are transmitted by direct contact from an infected person, for example by […]
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