Menorrhagia or Heavy Menstrual Bleeding

Facts About Heavy Menstrual Bleeding Heavy menstrual bleeding (menorrhagia) are regular bleeding, but you bleed more and possibly. for longer than usual Often there is no reason, and the condition may be transient Most women have heavier bleeding with age Heavy bleeding can be caused by fibroids or polyps, copper coil or more rare causes the disorder of blood clotting, thyroid problems or medical treatment If bleeding caused by fibroids or polyps, you have to remove those to reduce bleeding What is heavy menstrual bleeding? Heavy menstrual bleeding (menorrhagia) means that the bleeding is regular but you bleed more powerful and possibly. for longer than normal. It can be hard to know if you bleed more powerful than you have […]

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Facts About Condoms The condom is a rubber sheath that is drawn over the penis before intercourse The semen by ejaculation is assembled in the condom Simple method with high safety when properly used Is the only contraceptive that protects against sexually transmissible diseases! No serious adverse events Mechanism of action Photo of a condom The condom is a rubber sheath that is drawn over the penis before intercourse Upon release assembled semen in the condom Benefits Simple method with high safety when properly used Is the only contraceptive that protects against sexually transmissible diseases! No serious adverse events Cons Options for misuse and thereby reduced reliability may occur: If the condom is torn nail or the like, while you put it […]

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Urinary Tract Infections in Women

Facts About Urinary Tract Infections in Women Bladder catarrh is an infection of the urinary bladder. It is almost always bacteria enters the urinary bladder via the urethra. The bacteria leading to an inflammation of the mucosa which line the inside of the urinary bladder. The mucous membrane becomes red and irritated, and the entire bladder is irritable. The irritation gives contractions in the bladder and frequent small urination Urination may be painful. Many have pain and heat sensation in the abdomen after urination The infection is treated usually with antibiotics What is UTI? Bladder catarrh is an infection of the urinary bladder, a urinary tract infection, which is almost always caused by bacteria. Bacteria thrive in the body warm urine […]

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Facts About Proctitis Proctitis is inflammation of the anal canal and the mucous membrane of the rectum It is a relatively common condition especially seen in people with inflammatory bowel disease and in the course of sexually transmitted diseases Symptoms vary somewhat depending on the cause – the most common are: pain bowel motions itch discharge bleeding The vast majority of cases of proctitis caused by sexually transmitted diseases can be treated with antibiotics to good effect What is proctitis? Proctitis is an inflammation of the anus (anus) and of the lining of the rectum (rectal). The symptoms can be very different. At first one may have minor problems. Proktitten attacks the lower 15 cm of the intestine (rectum) and can […]

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Bacterial Vaginosis

Facts About Bacterial Vaginosis Bacterial vaginosis is characterized by troublesome discharge, which is whitish / grayish with fish smell nuisance, which is amplified after intercourse Due to the propagation of bacteria normally found only in limited quantities in the vagina Frequently occurring – ca. 1/3 of all women will experience bacterial vaginosis at least once Is not a sexually transmitted disease, but more often through sexual activity and reduced after six months with the same partner condom protects Bacterial vaginosis can be treated medically, but there is great risk that it will recur What is bacterial vaginosis? Vaginalceller covered with bacteria, Source: US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Bacterial vaginosis is characterized by irritating vaginal discharge. Discharge is whitish / gray, thin […]

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Facts About Vulvovaginitis Vulva infection after menopause is also called vulvovaginitis Vulvovaginitis due to estrogen levels drop after menopause Typical symptoms are dry mucous membranes and pain in the vagina. There may be pain and pain during intercourse and urination. There can also be seen frequent bladder infections and prone to incontinence. At very dry mucous membranes can cause cracks There is good treatment effect of local hormone in vagina What is vulvovaginitis? Vulvovaginitis is Vulva infection in women who have passed menopause. Typical symptoms are dry mucous membranes and pain in the vagina. There may be pain and painful intercourse. There may also be pain during urination, frequent urinary tract infections and prone to incontinence. Some may have increased vaginal […]

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HPV Infection

Facts About HPV Infections HPV infection can lead to condyloma (genital warts), cervical cancer, penile cancer, colorectal cancer, and cancer almond 80% of sexually active will in their lives have had an HPV infection HPV is sexually transmitted The vast majority of infections disappear all by itself and causes no illness or symptoms One can reduce the incidence of cervical cancer and genital warts by vaccinating girls against HPV Boys are not currently under the vaccination program What is HPV? HPV stands for Human Papilloma Virus. There are over 100 different types of HPV virus. Some HPV types can cause genital warts, other HPV virus can cause cell changes on the cervix and HPV is also instrumental in the development of […]

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HPV Vaccination

Facts In South Africa offered vaccine against Human Papillomavirus (HPV) for free as part of  the childhood immunization program Vaccination can reduce the number of cervical cancer cases The vaccine be given to girls before they become sexually active The offer is voluntary Free vaccination Vaccination against human papiloma ‘HPV vaccination’ is offered girls in the age of 12 as part of the regular childhood immunization program  to protect against cervical cancer. Vaccination is done by the GP. Offer applies to girls over the age of 12, and vaccinations should be completed before she is 18 years old. The vaccine It is estimated that the vaccine protects against 70% of cervical cancer cases. HPV vaccination does not protect against all cervical cancers. […]

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Clinical Information on Mycoplasma Genitalium

Basic information Mycoplasma Genitalium Definition The bacterium Mycoplasma genitalium was isolated for the first time in 19801 There is increasing evidence that the bacterium can cause urogenital symptoms and infection The bacterium is also found in asymptomatic individuals occurrence The prevalence of Mycoplasma genitalium depends on the population under study: In a South African study screening among 21-23 year-old men and women were found the prevalence of M.genitalium in women to 2.3% (21/921) in men and 1.1% (8/731)2 In a Swedish study from a Venereology clinic found a high incidence of M.genitalium in male patients who presented with persistent or recurrent symptoms of urethritis, after being treated with doxycycline from microscopically verified non-gonorrhoisk urethritis, so 32 / 78 (41%)3 Etiology and […]

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