Benign Breast Lumps

Facts Benign Breast Lumps Nodules in the breasts are common in women because of hormonal fluctuations of menstruation and while nursing. Emerging nodules that persist during menstruation, should always be investigated. Generally Breast lumps in women is a frequent cause of contact with the doctor. The breast is composed of mammary glands, in glands that after birth developed to produce milk. In addition, there are varying amounts of fatty tissue and connective tissue. There may be both nodes in the glandular tissue and fat or connective tissue. Like other places on / in the body, there may also be lumps in the skin, both in the superficial and the deeper skin layers. How common is benign lump in her breast? […]

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Cystic Teratoma

Facts About Cystic Teratoma Tumors originating in the fetus and therefore several different cell types. Occurs most often as tumor or cyst in the ovaries in young women, but can also be seen in the testes in boys before puberty Are usually found during routine examination of the fetus by ultrasound, or by gynecological examination of adult women Treatment is removal of the tumor by surgery What is a cystic teratoma? Teratomas are tumors that are formed of multiple cell types. The tumor originated from germ cells (germinal cells) in the embryo stage. Includes both benign teratomas, well-developed cysts (cavity) opening and compact, immature malignant tumors. The benign cysts predominate, but there is always a small risk that a benign tumor […]

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Facts About Condoms The condom is a rubber sheath that is drawn over the penis before intercourse The semen by ejaculation is assembled in the condom Simple method with high safety when properly used Is the only contraceptive that protects against sexually transmissible diseases! No serious adverse events Mechanism of action Photo of a condom The condom is a rubber sheath that is drawn over the penis before intercourse Upon release assembled semen in the condom Benefits Simple method with high safety when properly used Is the only contraceptive that protects against sexually transmissible diseases! No serious adverse events Cons Options for misuse and thereby reduced reliability may occur: If the condom is torn nail or the like, while you put it […]

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Facts About Proctitis Proctitis is inflammation of the anal canal and the mucous membrane of the rectum It is a relatively common condition especially seen in people with inflammatory bowel disease and in the course of sexually transmitted diseases Symptoms vary somewhat depending on the cause – the most common are: pain bowel motions itch discharge bleeding The vast majority of cases of proctitis caused by sexually transmitted diseases can be treated with antibiotics to good effect What is proctitis? Proctitis is an inflammation of the anus (anus) and of the lining of the rectum (rectal). The symptoms can be very different. At first one may have minor problems. Proktitten attacks the lower 15 cm of the intestine (rectum) and can […]

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HPV Infection

Facts About HPV Infections HPV infection can lead to condyloma (genital warts), cervical cancer, penile cancer, colorectal cancer, and cancer almond 80% of sexually active will in their lives have had an HPV infection HPV is sexually transmitted The vast majority of infections disappear all by itself and causes no illness or symptoms One can reduce the incidence of cervical cancer and genital warts by vaccinating girls against HPV Boys are not currently under the vaccination program What is HPV? HPV stands for Human Papilloma Virus. There are over 100 different types of HPV virus. Some HPV types can cause genital warts, other HPV virus can cause cell changes on the cervix and HPV is also instrumental in the development of […]

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HPV Vaccination

Facts In South Africa offered vaccine against Human Papillomavirus (HPV) for free as part of  the childhood immunization program Vaccination can reduce the number of cervical cancer cases The vaccine be given to girls before they become sexually active The offer is voluntary Free vaccination Vaccination against human papiloma ‘HPV vaccination’ is offered girls in the age of 12 as part of the regular childhood immunization program  to protect against cervical cancer. Vaccination is done by the GP. Offer applies to girls over the age of 12, and vaccinations should be completed before she is 18 years old. The vaccine It is estimated that the vaccine protects against 70% of cervical cancer cases. HPV vaccination does not protect against all cervical cancers. […]

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Genital Herpes

Facts About Genital Herpes Genital herpes does genital herpes Cold sores on lips can be through oral sex cause genital herpes Symptoms of genital herpes are small blisters that sit in groups and are small painful sores on the genitals The initial outbreak of genital herpes can cause: general malaise fever swollen lymph nodes in lyskerne possibly. difficulty to urinate The infection usually goes over after a few days but the virus will remain dormant in nerve roots for life and can cause new outbreaks What is genital herpes? Genital herpes is an infection with genital herpes simplex virus (HSV). There are two types of viruses: HSV-1 HSV-2 The infection results in blisters and sores on the genitals. How common is […]

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Clinical Information on Epididymitis

Basic data Definition Epididymitis occurrence Less than 1 case per 1,000 patients per year, but exact figures are not available Rare before sexually mature age Etiology and pathogenesis In younger men are sexually transmitted infection most frequently Chlamydia trachomatis, less often Neisseria gonorrhoeae In men over 35 years most gram-negative rods Can also be a complication of underlying urological disease, or recent instrumentation A non-infectious variant can occur 2-3 days after trauma At the same time swelling in the testicle due to edema predisposing factors Recurrent epididymit in younger boys may be due to reflux of urine to the seminal vesicles Testicular cancer can in rare cases cause ICPC 2 Y74 Inflammation of the testis / epididymis ICD-10 N45 Inflammation […]

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Facts About Epididymitis Epididymitis (epididymitis) is an infection of the epididymis Symptoms include swelling, pain in the scrotum and fever Treated with antibiotics, but the swelling and pain subside only slowly over several weeks or months What is epididymitis? Epididymitis is an inflammation of the epididymis. It is located on the side of the testicle into the scrotum. The condition occurs primarily after puberty. How common is epididymitis? You do not know where frequency epididymitis is. However, it is not frequent condition, but it is also not unusual. What causes epididymitis? Epididymitis is often caused by the bacteria chlamydia, mycoplasma or less frequently genitalum gonorrhea in men under 35 years. Over this age due to illness like bowel bacterium E. Coli., […]

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