Facts About Bladder Training Urgency (urge) incontinence is the involuntary loss of urine due to a sudden, severe, irresistible urge to urinate Treatment is primarily bladder training, pelvic floor exercises and medication Botox injection into the bladder wall or electro-stimulation can be tried in severe cases What is normal? Usually, bladder contain between 3 and 5 dl urine before the urge to urinate becomes troublesome. How often you need the toilet, obviously depends on how much you drink. But normal is 4-8 times a day. It is not uncommon to have to up at night, especially if you have difficulty falling asleep, or if you have been drinking a lot at night. Remember: coffee, tea and alcohol are diuretics, and […]
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Urinary Incontinence and Stress
Facts About Urinary Incontinence Stress incontinence means involuntary loss of urine associated with physical exertion This type of incontinence is indicated by loss of the usually small amounts of urine when coughing, sneezing, and the like Treated with lifestyle changes, pelvic floor exercises and / or surgery What is stress incontinence? Stress incontinence means involuntary loss of urine (urinary leakage) during coughing, sneezing, or other activities, which increases the pressure in the abdominal cavity. It is usually small amounts of urine leaking at a time. It divides incontinence in three grades: Easy – drop leakage 1-2 times a month Moderate – daily drop leakage Serious – larger leakage amounts at least once a week How common is stress incontinence? Involuntary urination […]
Continue readingMolar Pregnancy
Facts About Molar Pregnancy molar pregnancy caused by an abnormal fertilization, and results in that the whole or parts of pregnancy is converted to blistering / grape-like structure Occurs rarely – about 80 in South Africa a year Most are treated with curettage Good long-term prognosis even in cases where there is conversion to cancer What is molar pregnancy? Cells, which are formed in utero by pregnancy trophoblast cells is called. The cells normally divide, grow and develop into the placenta and fetus. By molar pregnancy grow these trophoblast cells uncontrollably. molar pregnancy is due to an error in the genes that occur in connection with fertilization. molar pregnancy grows inside the uterus, but it grows usually not into the […]
Continue readingUterine Fibroids
Facts About Fibroids in The Uterus Myomas or fibroids are benign growths emerging from the smooth muscle of the uterus. Fibroids are very common and can occur singly or in groups with many. About 40% of 40-50 year-old women have fibroids in their uterus. Estrogen and growth hormone stimulates the growth of myomas, whereas progesterone inhibits the growth Bleeding disturbances, pressure symptoms and urination / defecation discomfort and painful intercourse are symptoms of myomas. Most cases do not need any help. Which can be treated medically or surgically What are fibroids in the uterus? Myomas or fibroids are benign growths emerging from the smooth muscle of the uterus (the uterus). Fibroids are also called fibroids, or leiomyomas. Fibroids are very common, […]
Continue readingPolycystic Ovary Syndrome
Facts About Polycystic Ovary Syndrome In PCOS is fluid-filled cavities in the ovaries and the change in sex hormones This means that no regular ovulation Also results in that there are elevated male hormone Symptoms are: lack of menstrual periods or sparse infertility abnormal hair growth on face and body (hirsutism) acne ( acne ) 65% of women with PCOS are overweight PCOS affects approximately 5-10% of women of fertile age There is a relationship between PCOS and diabetes The treatment is weight reduction and exercise, oral contraceptives and possible. other medical treatment What is polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS)? PCOS is a condition with many follicles in the ovaries (cysts). The follicles are 2-9 mm, which are stopped in their development. […]
Continue readingUterine Prolapse Causes
Facts About Uterine Prolapse Causes Uterine prolapse or prolapse of the genitals caused by a weakening of the pelvic muscles and joints It occurs in approximately 50% of women over 40, but only about 6% have symptoms Typical causes are births (big kids, twins), heavy physical labor, constipation, heredity, obesity and COPD disease Typical symptoms include heaviness, urinary / bowel problems, ulcers, if the drop is outside the vaginal opening The uterus is normally held in place in the basin using different muscles, tissues and ligaments. If these muscles and tissues become weakened, may develop one descent of the uterus. This can happen after childbirth or after a difficult birth. The tissue becomes weaker – also with age – and […]
Continue readingExtended Cycle Birth Control Pills
Facts About Extending Your Period Cycle You can shift her period briefly for holidays, exams, travel, sport, etc. This can be done with the pill constant hormone quantity (monophasic pill) and by taking several packets one after the other without pause It is not harmful Presumably, this use fewer unwanted pregnancies than ordinary use of COCs Probably there are the same disadvantages and advantages as in normal use Prolonged use of oral contraceptives are used for the treatment of gynecological disorders and for the treatment of discomfort associated with menstruation Constant hormone amount Short term displacement of menstruation for holidays, exams and travel have been used for many years. In sport is sustained displacement of menstruation well known. Users of oral […]
Continue readingMenorrhagia or Heavy Menstrual Bleeding
Facts About Heavy Menstrual Bleeding Heavy menstrual bleeding (menorrhagia) are regular bleeding, but you bleed more and possibly. for longer than usual Often there is no reason, and the condition may be transient Most women have heavier bleeding with age Heavy bleeding can be caused by fibroids or polyps, copper coil or more rare causes the disorder of blood clotting, thyroid problems or medical treatment If bleeding caused by fibroids or polyps, you have to remove those to reduce bleeding What is heavy menstrual bleeding? Heavy menstrual bleeding (menorrhagia) means that the bleeding is regular but you bleed more powerful and possibly. for longer than normal. It can be hard to know if you bleed more powerful than you have […]
Continue readingClinical Information on Mycoplasma Genitalium
Basic information Mycoplasma Genitalium Definition The bacterium Mycoplasma genitalium was isolated for the first time in 19801 There is increasing evidence that the bacterium can cause urogenital symptoms and infection The bacterium is also found in asymptomatic individuals occurrence The prevalence of Mycoplasma genitalium depends on the population under study: In a South African study screening among 21-23 year-old men and women were found the prevalence of M.genitalium in women to 2.3% (21/921) in men and 1.1% (8/731)2 In a Swedish study from a Venereology clinic found a high incidence of M.genitalium in male patients who presented with persistent or recurrent symptoms of urethritis, after being treated with doxycycline from microscopically verified non-gonorrhoisk urethritis, so 32 / 78 (41%)3 Etiology and […]
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