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What Exactly is Cancer?

Cancer causes cells to split maniacally. This can arise as tumors, harm to the immune system, and other impairments that, if left untreated, can be fatal. In this blog entry, we look at the different types of cancer, discuss how the disease progresses, and discuss the various treatment options that greatly boost […]

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My Contact Lenses Are Causing Me Such Discomfort

Nothing is more inconvenient than being required to wear contact lenses and afterward experiencing pain, scratching, burning, or other discomfort. It is extremely inconvenient to try to clean or replace them while driving, working, or planning to attend an event which makes it difficult. Here Are a Few of the […]

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The LASIK Eye Surgery Procedure 

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved LASIK eye surgery as a safe treatment for correcting specific refractive abnormalities in 1999. This means that patients may need fewer or no glasses or contacts following their surgery. Over the last two decades, ophthalmologists have completed 600,000 LASIK procedures per year. The […]

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The Vitamin C Placebo

Vitamin C is not going to help your immunity against Coronavirus, or is it? Vitamin C (aka ascorbic acid) is an unlikely vitamin supplement to help people fight off the common cold, let alone the Coronavirus. The dietary supplement was first recommended by Nobel Prize winner Linus Pauling (American chemist, […]

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Chiropractic Care

Chiropractic care is an alternative form of treatment in which the practitioner, through manipulation therapy, attempts to restore the movement of a joint or resolve painful abnormalities that most frequently stem from spinal distortions. The manipulation of these spinal abnormalities and their impact on the nervous systems, is intended to […]

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Orgasm Issues in Women

Facts About Orgasm Issues in Women The orgasm is one of nature’s great and wonderful mysteries. Both physiological, psychological and relationship factors must play together if an orgasm to be experienced satisfactory Conversely, there may be both biological and psychosocial circumstances at stake when the orgasm absent or feels wrong Orgasm […]

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Menopause Medication

Facts Menopause Medications Menopause is the name for the time before and after the ovaries cease to produce eggs. Gradually hear ovaries also stop to secrete the female sex hormones estrogen and progesterone The reduced amount of hormone can cause symptoms such as bleeding disorders, sweating, psychological effects, sleep disorders, […]

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