Nothing is more inconvenient than being required to wear contact lenses and afterward experiencing pain, scratching, burning, or other discomfort. It is extremely inconvenient to try to clean or replace them while driving, working, or planning to attend an event which makes it difficult. Here Are a Few of the Most Common Causes of Discomfort When Wearing Contact Lenses If you are certain that you are cleaning and caring for your contact lenses properly, you should consider switching to glasses for a few weeks to give your eyes a break from wearing them. If you are still going to experience discomfort after one or two days, it is recommended that you see your eye doctor. When Wearing Contact Lenses, Improper […]
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Vaginal Yeast Infection
Facts About Vaginal Yeast Infections Changes in the bacterial flora of the vagina leading to the growth of the fungus Candida albicans The genes are burning and itching of the vagina and the vaginal opening and the thick white lumpy discharge (cottage cheese-like) Many women have fungus in the vagina without causing genes, but antibiotic treatment, immunocompromised, diabetes and pregnancy can lead to increased growth of fungi and hence symptoms Can be treated with over the counter medication – either as vaginal tablets or cream and in severe cases with a prescription antifungal What is fungal infection of the vagina? Fungal infection (Candida vaginitis) in the vagina caused by the fungus Candida albicans . The genes are burning and itching of […]
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