Absence of Menstruation (Amenorrhoea)

Lack of menstruation

Facts about Amenorrhoea

  • Missed periods at least three months described as amenorrhea
  • Amenorrhea is called primary if the girl / woman has never had menstrual
  • Secondary amenorrhea is when missed periods at least three months in a woman who had quite regular menstrual periods, or at least six months in a woman with irregular periods
  • Secondary amenorrhea is quite common.
    • In the age group 16-24 years, approximately 8% of all women a period of secondary amenorrhea in over a year
  • At three of four women facing menstruation back by itself within a year
  • If missed periods, it may be because conditions in the brain, pituitary, ovaries or adrenal glands.
  • Most commonly it is about pregnancy, stress, busy, eating disorders, excessive weight loss or excessive exercise, PCOS, metabolic problems or premature menopause

What is absent menstruation, secondary

  • Missed periods of three months or more in a woman who made quite regular menstrual periods
  • Missed periods of six months or more in a woman who previously had irregular periods


  • Is relatively common. In the age group 16-24 years, approximately 8% of all women a period of secondary amenorrhea in over a year
  • At three of four women come menstruation back by itself within a year. Therefore waiting often with further investigations, until one year has passed
  • After breast feeding can also quietly wait at least six months before the need for further investigation

About menstrual bleeding

Usually controlled menstruation by a fine interplay between hormones produced in the brain and the ovaries. From an area of ​​the brain (hypothalamus) and hjernevedhænget (hypophysis) is released hormones that stimulate the ovaries to growth and ovulation. Once the eggs in the ovary grow, is formed sex hormones (estrogen and progesterone).

Sex hormones acting on the lining of the uterus and prepare it to a fertilized egg (one pregnancy) May stick to and grow on. There will not be an egg, the mucosa is broken off along with blood. It is menstruation.

If the interaction between the brain and ovaries are disturbed menstrual periods can become irregular or absent altogether. Such disorders may be caused by conditions of the brain, pituitary, ovaries or adrenal glands.

What can be the reason?

Frequent causes of missed periods

  • Pregnancy is the most common cause and should always be considered
  • By loads of the body or psyche, the signals from the brain to the ovaries stop
    • Eating disorders, particularly anorexia or other eating habits that exclude calorie diet
    • Excessive training, particularly in relation to diet
    • large weight loss
    • Stress
    • Chronic disease
    • Drug addiction
  • polycystic ovary syndrome
  • Too low metabolism (Hypothyroidism)
  • After using the contraceptive pill menstrual periods can occur during many months
  • Premature menopause
  • obesity

rarer causes

  • Elevated prolactin due to over-production of this hormone in the pituitary gland
  • Be aware of changes in your menstrual periods
  • Remember that missed period may be a signal that your body is not feeling well
  • Maintain a normal weight
  • Train like, but not exaggerated
  • If missed periods for three months after you have had regular menstrual periods
  • If missed periods for six months after you have had irregular periods
  • When accompanied with missed period is evidence of other disease
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