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Schizophrenia: A Negative Perspective

Delusions and hallucinations are the hallmark symptoms of schizophrenia. Being paralysed by the inability to distinguish between reality and your own mind’s game. The probability of leading a completely normal life is diminished if you don’t treat the negative symptoms of schizophrenia. Can You Describe the Negative Effects of Schizophrenia? […]

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Exploring the Multiverse of Schizophrenic Perception

The Schizophrenic’s Mind Schizophrenia changes how the brain works mentally. Psychotic symptoms are common among those who suffer from schizophrenia, and they can lead to confusion and an inability to tell reality from fiction. Some examples of this are hallucinations (the perception of sounds or images that are not present) […]

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Have You Been Diagnosed with Diabetes Yet?

Knowing those who are at risk for developing diabetes is the first step in preventing the disease. Even though you can’t change your family tree, there are still some things you can do to improve your chances. Comprehension of Diabetes As a metabolic disease with potentially devastating consequences, diabetes requires […]

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The Effects of Hypertension on the Brain

Hypertension, or high blood pressure, can have negative effects on both the brain and the heart. However, by adhering to these 5 guidelines, your blood pressure can be lowered and your health secured.  The Relationship Between Blood Pressure and Cardiac Output No matter what ails you, if you go to […]

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What is Eyelid Surgery?

Facts about Eyelid Surgery Eyelid surgery, or blepharoplasty, is a cosmetic surgical procedure that reduces heavy eyelids and provides an improved and fresher appearance If the eyelids are so heavy that they hang down in front of the pupils, then the operation can also help the vision. In the case of […]

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