Increased Hairiness and Hirsutism

Facts About Hirsutism There is no sharp distinction between normal and abnormal hairiness When women develop abnormal hairiness in places other than the armpit and abdomen, it is called hirsutism. In the face there is often talk about body hair on the cheeks, upper lip and chin. On the body there […]

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Menopause Medication

Facts Menopause Medications Menopause is the name for the time before and after the ovaries cease to produce eggs. Gradually hear ovaries also stop to secrete the female sex hormones estrogen and progesterone The reduced amount of hormone can cause symptoms such as bleeding disorders, sweating, psychological effects, sleep disorders, […]

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Menopause Frequent Questions

Facts About Menopause Hormone therapy replaces the female hormones that are not being produced as a result of menopause. They can be administered locally to the lining of the abdomen, and which compositions of general effect on the body Some women are plagued so much in menopause, it can be […]

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Facts About Menopause Women earn an average of their last menstrual period about 52 years of age Menopause (climacteric) is the period around the last menstrual period (menopause) During menopause, it is customary with bleeding disorders, hot flashes and sweating Over time, there may also get osteoporosis and dry mucous membranes […]

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Hormone Disorders

Facts The menstrual cycle is regulated by several hormones. The hypothalamus, Which is a part of the brain that produce chemical substances that pass into the brains – hypothalamus. The pituitary gland is affected to secrete hormones that act on the ovaries and leads to ovulation and the production of the […]

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