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How Pagers Shaped Communication History

In the not-so-distant past, the unmistakable sound of a pager going off was a common occurrence. It was the go-to communication device for professionals who couldn’t afford to miss important calls. But when was the last time you heard the distinctive beep of a pager? Before we bid farewell to these iconic devices, let’s take a deep dive into their history. Our journey into the world of pagers begins with Sherman Amsden, a visionary businessman from New York City. In 1924, Amsden laid the foundation for what would become one of the nation’s first answering services—the Doctors’ Telephone Service. This innovative service allowed doctors to divert their calls to operators while they were away from their offices. These operators would […]

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The Real Science Behind Ear Candling

Ear candling, a method involving heated beeswax cones, is often portrayed as a traditional remedy for earwax removal. However, medical experts widely regard this practice as ineffective and potentially dangerous. Despite claims linking ear candling to ancient civilizations, there is no historical evidence supporting these assertions. For instance, the Hopi Tribal Council has explicitly denied any association with this practice. The process of ear candling seems straightforward but is scientifically dubious. A beeswax-coated cotton sheet is rolled into a cone and inserted into the ear. The opposite end is then lit. Proponents claim that the resulting vacuum draws out earwax and toxins, but this theory lacks scientific basis. Medical professionals, including Dr. Lisa M.L. Dryer, emphasize that ear candling fails […]

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The Secret Behind Your Snot’s Color

Snot – that sticky, slimy substance we’ve all had to deal with at one point or another. It may not be the topic of polite conversation, but it’s a surprisingly informative aspect of our health. The hues of mucus can tell us a lot about what’s happening inside our bodies. Mucus is more than just a nuisance when you’re sick; it’s a critical component of your body’s defense system. This gel-like secretion is produced throughout your respiratory and digestive tracts, creating a protective layer over tissues to keep them from drying out and trapping potential threats like bacteria, viruses, and dust. On average, our bodies generate a remarkable 2 to 3 pints of mucus daily. This amount can surge when […]

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SA Surgeon Pay Scale

The medical profession in South Africa is a challenging and rewarding career path, especially for those in the surgical field. The allure of the surgical profession is undeniable, with the promise of a fulfilling career paired with competitive remuneration. In 2023, surgeons in South Africa receive a monthly income that reflects their critical role in healthcare. On average, a surgeon’s salary is reported to be ZAR 52,333 per month, which annually tallies up to around ZAR 628,000. With increased experience and specialization, these figures can substantially increase, with seasoned surgeons earning upwards of ZAR 1,000,000 annually. Considering the growth in the healthcare sector, surgeon salaries have seen a consistent rise. For context, a general surgeon in 2022 earned around ZAR […]

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The Phenomenon of Sleepwalking Killers

Sleepwalking, or somnambulism, is a sleep disorder where individuals perform activities while in a state of partial arousal from deep sleep. The range of activities can be as mundane as walking to complex actions like leaving the house or driving a car. Common signs of sleepwalking include: No recollection of the sleepwalking episode A confused state upon waking A blank, staring expression during the episode Sleep-talking or shouting Potentially aggressive behavior if disturbed Though sleepwalkers are typically harmless, disorientation and confusion can lead to unpredictable behavior, raising questions about their actions during such vulnerable states. Historic Cases of Sleepwalking and Homicide Albert Tirrell’s case in 1845 marked a notorious intersection of sleepwalking and murder. Accused of gruesomely murdering his mistress […]

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